The Dark NINJA
Supreme tranceaddict
Registered: Dec 2013
Location: Miami, FL
Feb-09-2014 15:41
Supreme tranceaddict
Registered: May 2001
Location: Hollywood....
Yes, but in CDJ's you're actually talking about a $5 DAC chip or a $20 DAC chip at most between those two models.
Clay is somewhat right about them lasting, at least for their current models. I still have a CDJ500 kicking about somewhere - yes, the giant square one from the mid 90's and it still works. That thing has done at least 5,000 hours and been treated like shit yet all of the buttons and jog still work.
Or I've got a CDJ800 in my current setup and the cue button is going dodgy at under 1,000 hours. Still though, that's not bad for a cheap consumer piece of equipment.
@EVO - I know what you mean. I've been playing with both traktor and serato but I hate having to look at a screen. The budget pio offerings such as the CDJ350 are crap though compared to full jog wheel CDJ's. If you don't mind the smaller jogs then fine, but otherwise, just save up and get some CDJ850's or 900's.
Feb-19-2014 02:25
Supreme tranceaddict
Registered: May 2001
Location: Hollywood....
quote: | Originally posted by The Dark NINJA
the 2000 nexus is going for 1,700 at dj deals. |
Although that's a pretty low price for that deck, that's $3400 (before tax) for two fucking CDJ's.
I don't exactly when pioneer brainwashed people in to thinking they needed to spend that kind of money to mix two tracks together but you have to give it to them, they know how make suckers.
Feb-20-2014 23:09
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