I've haven't really done much in a long time, a couple of songs or so. Still using the same VSTi's as 5 years ago. Now that's fine, limiting yourself is fun I think.
I'm just wondering what's new. Any demos I can check out?
insignificant cor member alliance
Dec-03-2009 23:48
Registered: Nov 2009
Location: Aussie!
Have you got sylenth1?
If not have a look...
Im not into big massive Vsts... sylenth is the happy medium for me
Cogito, ergo sum.
Your imagination is only the beginning
Bogota Distrito Capital - Millos
Forza Milan
Dec-04-2009 00:25
Registered: Apr 2005
Location: Co Trance
Originally posted by DjStephenWiley
waldorf largo
dcam synth squad
trillian by spectrasonics
predator by rob papen
omnisphear by spectrasonics
i don't have too many vsts nor do i know when they were born. cryophonik can probably run off a huge list here
thanks for letting me know about trillian.... spectronics for me are simply the bench mark when it comes to sound design.... eric persing is simply a genuis... for any one that doesnt not know who he is, well he basicially is the man that built roland....
...had to edit to say this.... there is a massive debate that could go one for years and will..... about hardware verse software well spectrasonics bridges that gap.... anyone that hasnt got any of there products.... check out there web site. Icant really describe how powerful and creativity these vsts are...
Last edited by isrefel on Dec-04-2009 at 22:06
Dec-04-2009 21:10
I play Trance no Dance
Registered: Dec 2002
Location: Brussels, Belgium
we had that debate here a few times...
Let's face that Software Sequencing and Digital audio is the only way forward in Electronic music. But now regarding synths, except for some examples named in this thread, if you find a piece of hardware gear that integrates into your software workflow, why not after all?
The main things I have against Spectrasonics are the cpu and hard drive space usage.
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Dec-05-2009 07:16
is actually a guy.
Registered: May 2006
Location: Sydney, Australia
Yeah I find the hard drive reqirements prohibitive in a lot of cases. I'll probably never bother with spectrasonics because of this. I use a laptop and frankly just don't have that space to spare for a single plugin.
Originally posted by Lolo
The main things I have against Spectrasonics are the cpu and hard drive space usage.
Omnisphere is obviously a CPU and HD hog.
But, Atmosphere was/is pretty easy on the CPU in my experience and the library isn't too huge by today's standards (12GB IIRC). Stylus can take up a lot of HD space, especially with expansions, but I also have never had a problem with excessive CPU use there. I don't own Trilogy/Trillian, so I can't say, but I assume they both have sizable libraries - how are they on CPU?