Registered: Jan 2006
Location: I miss Japan...
right above the up fader for channel 1 there is a 3 way toggle switch it says XFA MIX XFB
swing that toggle above channel one towards the XFA Button, that is now side A of the crossfader, XFA = Crossfader A
now look above channel 2..
same thing, set the toggle over to XFB.
thing is, traditionally i work on channels 1 and 4, and especially on the Nuo, because 2 and 3 are MIDI Capable, so it just saves me reconnecting everything later when i decide to plug the computer in.
They're all crazy. Even you. You're all...crazy."
"Even me?" she said.
I thought, "Oh right, if I categorically eliminate all other people, it's just me and her. She'd like that.
"Especially you" I said.
"You are virtually the ring leader, the way I see it."
Then, I blew out the candle.
Aug-18-2006 04:49
Registered: Dec 2005
Location: Adelaide
Re: Help Setting up Nuo 4
quote: | Originally posted by saltytheseagull
I got all my gear and I need some help setting up my nuo 4. I've got my TT's on channels one and two. My problem is that they both play no matter where the crossfader is. How do I assign them to different channels. Thanks. |
Seriously, sif you doidn't know it was the thingy on the bit that has the other bit... hello manual
Aug-18-2006 11:50
Supreme tranceaddict
Registered: Feb 2005
Location: USA
Thanks for your help. I have one more question. If I want to work on channels one and four what do I do with the TT groundwire on CH4. Thanks.
Aug-18-2006 16:10
Registered: Not Yet
LOL @ This thread...
You went an bought this high end mixer, and you have LIMITED knowledge of even hooking your gear up... Have fun man..
Last edited by on Aug-19-2006 at 04:56
Aug-19-2006 01:52
Registered: Not Yet
quote: | Originally posted by MikeyN
yeah, frickin right you were of help, i ended up getting a new M-Audio Audiophile 192 for 115 USD on eBay...im actually wondering if it's Hot...should get here wednesday though nonetheless and my nuo 4 about the same time... |
Nice.. I was actually looking at the M-Audio sound cards this past week when I went to buy some new monitor speakers and the 192 was $164.00 at my local shop here and thats in CAN... so 115.00 is a good deal, but I doubt its hot...
Aug-19-2006 15:24
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