for anyone that still cares, i found this on another forum - a test similar to what Tony Morello and J:\Digital performed, but with the opposite results:
"Okay, okay....this really wan't much of a mystery anymore. But just to confirm: they're the same headphones.
I now own them both. I assumed they were the same going into this. The only differences? MDR-7506's say "MDR-7506" on each earpiece instead of "MDR-V6." MDR-7506's come with blue stickers that say "Professional" on them -- V6's come with red stickers that said something like "Digital Ready" (I can't remember exactly what they said, as I took them off a while ago). MDR-7506 has what looks like a black anodized metal housing leading to a gold-plated mini plug with a gold 1/4" adapter. The MDR-V6 has a silver-colored anodized metal housing (otherwise exactly the same shape as the 7506's) leading to a silver/chrome-colored mini plug with a silver/chrome-colored 1/4" adapter. Also, the MDR-7506's come with an expoded parts diagram (if any of you with V6's is looking for replacement part numbers, let me know, and I may be able to help).
I slapped my extra pair of Beyer velour pads on the 7506's and gave both a listen. They are indeed the exact same pair of headphones (other than the differences already noted). Here's an interesting thing though -- there are slight but noticeable differences in sound, but I attribute this as likely being break-in effect (the V6's have seen a lot of hours of use). And, yes, I prefer the V6's at this time because of that break-in. I'd be willing to bet that the 7506's will sound exactly like the V6's at some point (assuming breaking in levels off with both at some point, which I expect)."
not everyone understands house music
it's a spiritual thing
a body thing
a soul thing