After almost 3 years of putting my hobby on the backburner, I've been back into it with relentless commitment since the fall. I sold my CDJ 800 MK1's and bought a Maschine. Mapping it for Traktor Pro and to my own workflow was a mammoth task, but I learned a hell of a lot from it.
I'm running 3 decks in traktor, and keep my fourth channel for Maschine in case I ever want to throw in some live elements.
The ol' Nuo 4 does the trick mixer-wise,but I'd like at least a X ne 62 in the near future.

They're all crazy. Even you. You're all...crazy."
"Even me?" she said.
I thought, "Oh right, if I categorically eliminate all other people, it's just me and her. She'd like that.
"Especially you" I said.
"You are virtually the ring leader, the way I see it."
Then, I blew out the candle.