Yeah that set nice but I rather have mine that I got on budget when first started then added few thing along way and replace few thing when I had money.
No off to real reason I'm posting here 2 updates in one post for me. Monday the loan I had for house that burnt down was rescinded by bank so I was happy no more loan payments and all for it.
Update 2 I have to take the bus to work that is 224 mile drive to the mine and back. I decided stop at a real estate office and from there I talked with one my ex High school shop teachers turned real estate salesmen. We talking about homes and he just remember he had one listed on short sale terms from one the local banks. The mine near our home town we both raised in so that was a plus.
Short sale (real estate) - the lender allows a property to be sold for less than the amount owed on a mortgage and takes a loss.
So went with him looked and at house then I told him I be back tomorrow with the wife. So I took dump day off form work and took her to see the home without telling why we went back to our hometown. I met with him and he showed the wife the home. I told her after that if you love it I fill out paper work at a bank and buy for your after valentines day gift she told me she wants to think in over first. Just as we got 3 miles out town I had turn around tell guy sold I just filled out the paper work at the bank same day and home is officially ours. Best part of it all is it ours and 5 miles out of town. Now it will cut bus ride down 164 miles after we move in. Best part no need to repair or upgrade stuff because it is a nice log home that is only 3 years old. Best part it is $175,00 home for 100,000. Because previous owners died in car accident and bank had to put it up on short sale terms. So the money I get off that settlement will pay off that loan on the log home I just got on 15th yippee. So I paid $50,000 down and only $50,000 left.
I surprised the wife big time there because she didn't know I planned all it in 1 day time. Soon as I get moved in I post pictures and all in the chill out room. Will be week or 2 before we are moved in 100%. Because I have to work the next 3 days before I'm off 4 days to help pack stuff up. Going take 1 weeks vacation time and use it on the move.
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Last edited by wesleysnipez on Feb-17-2008 at 08:53