Not sure if it fits in this list, but I stumbled on a free app for some easy musical calculations (note lengths, bpm etc.): Audiofile Calc
A handy app which groups some of the more common calculations and conversions.
Better than doing all the manual labour by using formulas each time, or online calculators.
P.S. Synth1 is also available for Mac
Jun-02-2015 14:17
Supreme tracneaddict
Registered: Feb 2005
Location: The Netherlands
Hey Farris,
Will create a section for mobile apps in the following days. Thanks!
I have older versions than some of those shown in the link.
Reelbus is excellent as is the basic compressor and Barricade, the limiter. Ferox is like an old retail tape deck which I also love - why would a tape deck have a delay, but it does and it's great for automated pitching delay movements on synths.
I just noticed their Bustools 3 goody bag for 40 euros!
Well, kinda everything's free if you know where to look
Feb-08-2019 18:35
Boom shanka
Registered: Jan 2008
Location: Elk Grove, CA USA
I don’t know if it’s ever been discussed here, but Sonar Platinum was discontinued by Gibson, then acquired by Bandlab and is now free (minus all the third-party bloatware)