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Supreme tranceaddict

Registered: Feb 2021
Location: canada

idk what im doing anymore, just bad mix after bad mix lmao. always stems from the kick and bass.


Last edited by szm on Oct-06-2024 at 02:53

Old Post Oct-05-2024 00:54  Canada
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Supreme tracneaddict

Registered: Feb 2005
Location: The Netherlands

Originally posted by szm

idk what im doing anymore, just bad mix after bad mix lmao. always stems from the kick and bass.

You have many pretty sounds going on. Particularly the violins (second chord doesn't feel quite right for me though) with arps and pads. The drums make it like a sort of chillout.

I've said it in the past and will do so again. If you're willing to export the tracks to WAV (because different DAWs and all) I'm open to try a collab. 😃

Mixwise some things are fighting for space a bit in the midrange. Drums will propably come out better with low cuts on other instruments.


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Anthony Mea - Get It On (Storyteller Remix)

If less is more think about how much more more would be.

Last edited by Storyteller on Oct-06-2024 at 06:36

Old Post Oct-06-2024 06:26  Netherlands
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Supreme tranceaddict

Registered: Feb 2021
Location: canada

yea I hear that, its smashed quite a bit in the midrange, everything is highpassed to a degree quite a bit but there is this mushy quality on all my mixes when I compare, that and sources arent properly selected I think, like the kick drums and percs here. pretty sounds cant fix that. I cant seem to crack that loudness/crispness hurdle.

I still have a listening issue, this last wip was done on headphones and I do think it sounds better than what I can churn out on my room speakers but its still not enough.

I hope to be fully operational by December I think, im down to collab then if you have some patience. but also, Im timid about it; Im very unhappy with my output so it doesnt feel right to you know?

btw have you tried kontakt 8 player, its free and useful to generate ideas if you have a block. chord tool to explore chords.


Last edited by szm on Oct-08-2024 at 01:16

Old Post Oct-06-2024 22:18  Canada
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Supreme tracneaddict

Registered: Feb 2005
Location: The Netherlands

Originally posted by szm

I hope to be fully operational by December I think, im down to collab then if you have some patience. but also, Im timid about it; Im very unhappy with my output so it doesnt feel right to you know?

Worst that can happen is we have fun and learn some new tricks. No pressure, no judgement


Storyteller Website | Storyteller @ Facebook | Storyteller @ Beatport | Storyteller @ Soundcloud | Stephen J. Kroos - Europa (Storyteller Remix)
Anthony Mea - Get It On (Storyteller Remix)

If less is more think about how much more more would be.

Old Post Oct-08-2024 10:00  Netherlands
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Supreme tranceaddict

Registered: Feb 2021
Location: canada

back at it, grinding.

I started introducing things into my master chain, could be distorted now though.


Old Post Oct-12-2024 16:28  Canada
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Supreme tranceaddict

Registered: Sep 2010
Location: Washington Coast

Originally posted by szm
back at it, grinding.

I started introducing things into my master chain, could be distorted now though.

That reese. Man, I cannot remember what song he used something like that in but Bassnectar has something just like that. Albeit a bit more automated always stood out to me and is a very cool tone.
That said...did you just mention that you are introducing things to the Master Chain? Dumb question using Reason and I using Ableton; it's difficult for me to identify. So, question is...WHAT Master Chain are you referring to




Old Post Oct-12-2024 19:43  United States
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Supreme tranceaddict

Registered: Feb 2021
Location: canada

so master chain, master channel.

cant say I achieved too much, the master still sounds dull, but something to work on I guess.

was peeking at the university of youtube for some examples so far came up with some basics.

channel eq with 20hz cut out.

some linear phase eq for some small 1db boosts here and there, usually on the top end since my stuff always end up dull.

a stereo imager which collapses everything under 230hz in mono.

there is this gain tool in reason which increases stereo width, so 10% boost on that.

a parallel compressor, umm pultec style I believe, its modelled differently in reason.
a channel eq which is like pultec style eq without the character for some more boosting or decreasing.

ozone for mid-side manipulation and maximization.

and thats it. If I had more stuff to try I would. I see waves stuff is being used a lot.

basically my mindset is, put it on, if it sounds better I leave it on if it doesnt sound better I delete it, and keep experimenting.

I dont recommend anything I just said, I literally dont have much of an idea. Im pretty sure I dialed it all in wrong, I can hear the distortion bouncing off.

a/b comparisons still sound poor.


Old Post Oct-12-2024 22:05  Canada
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Supreme tranceaddict

Registered: Sep 2010
Location: Washington Coast

Originally posted by szm
so master chain, master channel.

cant say I achieved too much, the master still sounds dull, but something to work on I guess.

was peeking at the university of youtube for some examples so far came up with some basics.

channel eq with 20hz cut out.

some linear phase eq for some small 1db boosts here and there, usually on the top end since my stuff always end up dull.

a stereo imager which collapses everything under 230hz in mono.

there is this gain tool in reason which increases stereo width, so 10% boost on that.

a parallel compressor, umm pultec style I believe, its modelled differently in reason.
a channel eq which is like pultec style eq without the character for some more boosting or decreasing.

ozone for mid-side manipulation and maximization.

and thats it. If I had more stuff to try I would. I see waves stuff is being used a lot.

basically my mindset is, put it on, if it sounds better I leave it on if it doesnt sound better I delete it, and keep experimenting.

I dont recommend anything I just said, I literally dont have much of an idea. Im pretty sure I dialed it all in wrong, I can hear the distortion bouncing off.

a/b comparisons still sound poor. next question as I have heard you mention the same thing prior. Are you saying that you are Mixing with a Mastering chain? And if so....why?
Here is why I am asking.
To me, what you are attempting to do is essentially two different things; it's like this.
Sorry for using a cooking example but I am a Chef lol
Roasted Garlic - Simple method by placing Raw Garlic in Oil and slowly braise cook in said oil at a consistent temperature in order to caramelize the Garlic essentially giving you sweetness, reducing it's acidity and pungency, Increasing it's shelf life and giving you an oil to use that is infused.
IF...the Garlic does not caramelize because your temperature was to low, then you will have done nothing but poached your garlic and will achieve none of the above stated.
You gotta caramelize your Mix man because if it isn't then your song will not achieve that roasted flavor.
In a nutshell...
I was told as a rule of thumb is to just stay away from the Master. IF your mix is not in proper order, then it doesn't matter what goes on the Master because it just plain won't help it.
Actually, remember Raphie? That was he who said that. Damn, I wish he could chime in on this one




Old Post Oct-12-2024 22:40  United States
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Supreme tranceaddict

Registered: Feb 2021
Location: canada

doubt there is a right and wrong answer; im sure its best to do what gives you the best results.

ultimately i've always mixed into a limiter, I want to hear how it pushed, thats my logic.

im just some hobby dude in his bedroom, I dont know anything about the subject.


Old Post Oct-12-2024 23:00  Canada
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Supreme tranceaddict

Registered: Sep 2010
Location: Washington Coast

Originally posted by szm
doubt there is a right and wrong answer; im sure its best to do what gives you the best results.

ultimately i've always mixed into a limiter, I want to hear how it pushed, thats my logic.

im just some hobby dude in his bedroom, I dont know anything about the subject.

There is a lot I could say to your response. Ultimately, I believe you use the word hobbyist until something clicks, you then understand and then its because you have seriously "produced" some really good cuts; I mean the vision is there. You know where you want to go but now you are seeking how to put that all down. Because we all know that the vision is not enough and needs the production to enforce it.
Hence, where we are at with you.

You know, with all the tutorials in the world out there...most I stay away from because of all the nonsense posted.
That said, I have been following the advice of Four Tet lately.Make it minimal. Did you know he uses zero compression, the most minimal EQ and the most basic of native tones; from his DAW.

Why am I saying all this? Perhaps it's time to re think your approach? And trust me, once this starts clicking, all those tracks that never got completed will start rolling out




Old Post Oct-12-2024 23:47  United States
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Supreme tranceaddict

Registered: Feb 2021
Location: canada

I love some of his tracks but im unsure if I were to classify his stuff as topest of class there in terms of production. im unsure.

doing some research

looks like he uses the same approach as I do, at some point he slaps on a bunch of similar shit. A lot of people are using these fabfilter plugins with great success.

I dont think about this stuff too much, its just a personal thing I try to perceive in a sense in my own little world.

I just hope oneday I can get to my perceived benchmark in an organic way.

I respect your work, if you have any advice im open for it. but saying things like maybe you should re-think your approach doesnt mean much to me.


Last edited by szm on Oct-13-2024 at 00:41

Old Post Oct-12-2024 23:55  Canada
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Supreme tranceaddict

Registered: Feb 2021
Location: canada

haha listened on another source, it sounds so wonky with too much low end. once again!

lol tried again with a new project, mixed on headphones I have my doubts. the kick drum and the strings are probably off and ofcourse my bass never sits well ;x

i probably stuffed too much in the lower mids. its not quantized so dont mind the notes on the little stab.

I listened at another source, I can tell the low-end is way too beefy, and the mid bass is not protruding enough, the strings are too loud. I think its fixable tho :x


Last edited by szm on Oct-19-2024 at 17:22

Old Post Oct-13-2024 20:44  Canada
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