Nice resonating pads, love that. Some of the previous comment still apply (in regards of the chords). Mixwise it seems rather solid. Good stuff. Not much has changes from what I can remember.
Originally posted by Hot&Cold
here's something ive been working on..
Nice housey start. Gives me those oldschool vibes! Not sure about the mid-ey synth but surely there's a space to fill there. Very catchy groove. Looking forward to an extended version!
Originally posted by szm
that u alfi? u always had nice smooth coherent beats my dude. better than I could do for sure.
I made this few weeks ago, I thought it was junk at first but its kind of growing on me, maybe ill continue this one one day. its simple but sincere i guess.
yea the levels are off!
That groove you got going with all these sounds is so pretty. Maybe compress your drumgroup altogether to glue it together abit (and make it slightly louder compared to synths. It does hit a few spots here and there. Magic in the making!
@ST still listening to that beautiful midrange, ur a mastering master!
listening with my iem, I sense one possible need. like a layered in super soft and very cut off / wider kick drum to fill in some space on the low end.
I could be way wrong here.
another lazy loop from me, this could be really off due to said iem... the longer I work, all my initial dynamics fade. probably too much low end im guessing.
yea its not very eventful, doh. no ideas tonight.
Last edited by szm on Apr-07-2024 at 09:55
Apr-07-2024 08:57
Supreme tracneaddict
Registered: Feb 2005
Location: The Netherlands
Originally posted by szm
@ST still listening to that beautiful midrange, ur a mastering master!
listening with my iem, I sense one possible need. like a layered in super soft and very cut off / wider kick drum to fill in some space on the low end.
I could be way wrong here.
another lazy loop from me, this could be really off due to said iem... the longer I work, all my initial dynamics fade. probably too much low end im guessing.
yea its not very eventful, doh. no ideas tonight.
Decrease the volume of your synths probably about 6-12dB. Bassline probably 6-ish or more dB it will balance out reasonable. This way the drums can pop too. Based on what I hear I'm assuming all components sound well individually, the volume of them relative to one another is requires attention. Maybe grab a reference mix of some sorts?
Originally posted by szm
@ST still listening to that beautiful midrange, ur a mastering master!
I just slammed Ozone on the mixdown and pushed the limiter, that's it!
If less is more think about how much more more would be.
Apr-07-2024 14:00
Supreme tranceaddict
Registered: Feb 2021
Location: canada
damn i just listened on speakers, im really sorry for making you listen to that! these iems I have are no good for this.
my mixing techniques are so awful lmao. pumping sidechain too much.
i'll be looking to upgrade my setup this year regardless, havent decided if I want a sub or 8 inch speakers.
i made another mix of that piece on speakers, fucked this one up too..
I layered in a kick, except its phasing because its out of time lmao. the bass is shit I think, and its the crux of the bad mix, and the reverb mids are muddy. im so lazy with everything, not sure if production is for me.
ill come back to this stuff when I upgrade my setup, and keep experimenting I guess. i'll be afk for a while, may see u guys in a bit, too many life things happening. <3
Last edited by szm on Apr-08-2024 at 04:18
Apr-07-2024 18:05
Supreme tracneaddict
Registered: Feb 2005
Location: The Netherlands
Originally posted by szm
damn i just listened on speakers, im really sorry for making you listen to that! these iems I have are no good for this.
my mixing techniques are so awful lmao. pumping sidechain too much.
i'll be looking to upgrade my setup this year regardless, havent decided if I want a sub or 8 inch speakers.
i made another mix of that piece on speakers, fucked this one up too..
I layered in a kick, except its phasing because its out of time lmao. the bass is shit I think, and its the crux of the bad mix, and the reverb mids are muddy. im so lazy with everything, not sure if production is for me.
ill come back to this stuff when I upgrade my setup, and keep experimenting I guess. i'll be afk for a while, may see u guys in a bit, too many life things happening. <3
Feedback is mostly still the same albeit it does sound better than I remember it sounding before. The drums do sound more dynamic and present.
Please still reduce the bassline by a very significant amount, and reduce the pads/instruments slightly less. They're cool sounds but still overwhelming.
I like the vocal chop in there.
I did not notice phasing on the kick, but maybe that's because I'm on headphones.
ill come back to this stuff when I upgrade my setup, and keep experimenting I guess. i'll be afk for a while, may see u guys in a bit, too many life things happening. <3
Whatever it is, I hope it is positive or will turn out for the better. Take care
If less is more think about how much more more would be.
Apr-08-2024 07:05
Suspended User
Registered: Apr 2011
Location: Abuja
Originally posted by Storyteller
Nice housey start. Gives me those oldschool vibes! Not sure about the mid-ey synth but surely there's a space to fill there. Very catchy groove. Looking forward to an extended version!
I dig this alot...and would like to hear more. Some mixup/beat-down type work with the drumkit could be pretty cool with this...lotta room to play with that groove, and possibilities for where this could go, for sure.
Mix-wise, the snare hits a scoche hard on my beyers at higher volume...which is about it as far as nitpicking goes.
Though, it's not really my typical sounds like it'd be a hit at the club. Stereo image seems to lean pretty heavy to the left, which was something I noticed but didn't really bother me... until listening in the cans. It did make me double check the output knobs on my monitors lol...
Good stuff though.
I did also give a listen to MZS's piece, but I don't think there's much to add with what's already been said. I know the feels...that's for sure.
As for me...made a little head-way on the vocal tune with some fresher ears...Lotta reverb work, balancing and such with the cans. I think the hats/percs could use a little variation, especially after the drop...And I can hear it...just need to commit to doing something about it.
I tried real hard at a more driving bass-line, but it just don't fit. I think accepting the slower / more laid back 130 bpm vibe is the way to go.
Fiddling around with possible continuation after the final breakdown...but I dunno...meh. Kinda ran out of steam on it I guess. 4 minutes seems pretty ideal for a big vocal tune nowadays anyhow, I think. Or, maybe I'm wrong *shrug*.
I tried to get in touch with 'em to see if there was a chance at a formal release to my channel for the vocal cover...but no whatever. Stays in the private collection I guess.
Last edited by theterran on Apr-21-2024 at 06:59
Apr-21-2024 06:31
Supreme tracneaddict
Registered: Feb 2005
Location: The Netherlands
Originally posted by theterran
Start feels like I'm entering a 2000ish trance tune , old Paul van Dyk stuff.
A few things that caught my attention; The mix seems ever so slightly bass heavy imo. The panning in hats in the high-end sweeping from left to right was a bit distracting for me. The vocals are sometimes fighting for attention with the lead synth. Nice background melody around 3:20.
Nothing major all in all. Overal an enjoyable listen. I'm left wanting some excitement (maybe double down on effects) here and there? Well done either way!
If less is more think about how much more more would be.
Apr-22-2024 09:12
Supreme tranceaddict
Registered: Sep 2010
Location: Washington Coast
Purposely taking a break for my ears sake until inspiration hit and that just happened. I've wanted to remix this for over 10 years now but never felt confident enough until now.Funny thing is, I'm on a beach with laptop and headphones and the cloud. Thank god for technology.
Its raw and still needs work but as base work, im feeling it