I seem happier with this one, all the mishmash of transients group into this ball. stuffed quite a bit in, mix seems rough to say the least. also working to make it more interesting.
very droney... maybe try some filters on the deep bass-pad to make it stand out more, maybe do some BP sweeps or some shit like that. If you got one; render the pad alone, then do the sweeps on a rotary mixer with a 3 band ISO, then mix it back in. It sounds kinda static as is. and of course add some risers and sweeps before the hats kick in again, and maybe do automation lowering the bass frequencies right before you bring it all back in for more of an oomph, and maybe try to find a nice plucky sound that plays the opposite notes of the pad to create more of an epic prog feel and more melodious track... thats my two nickles or cents or whatever kinda currency you have in your country.... toonies? LOLs.... Also, WASSSSSUUUUUUUUUUUUP?!?!?
Wish my computer wasnt broken on the way to Spain, and that my laptop wasnt stolen either, haha.. This shit cant even run a single instance of Synth1, let alone anything like Sylenth haha... Send reverb? More like stuttering haha.. And thats running it throung a air 192/4... Not the best (i miss my AP 192 LOL EVE CHIP FOREVER HAHA) but it allowed me to hook up three sets of speakers to one input and it was dirt cheap at a non-music related store - WINNING!!!!
its 2022 man, no ones using a computer to make music anymore, its all about the kanye stem player!
nice to c u !!
Jun-04-2022 15:04
Supreme tranceaddict
Registered: Sep 2010
Location: Washington Coast
Originally posted by itsamemario
very droney... maybe try some filters on the deep bass-pad to make it stand out more, maybe do some BP sweeps or some shit like that. If you got one; render the pad alone, then do the sweeps on a rotary mixer with a 3 band ISO, then mix it back in. It sounds kinda static as is. and of course add some risers and sweeps before the hats kick in again, and maybe do automation lowering the bass frequencies right before you bring it all back in for more of an oomph, and maybe try to find a nice plucky sound that plays the opposite notes of the pad to create more of an epic prog feel and more melodious track...
Pretty much what was said right here M. It most certainly needs some higher frequencies because you do have quite a bit of sub freq rolling.
SO, to break out of my chillout D&B phase and go a little more "driven", I decided to go back in the mess of folders on another drive. I found one folder containing several project files and after listening to some I found they were all the same but with different variations. I remember why I left this behind. I gave up on it..LOL.
Total train wreck but had some salvageable parts So, 5 years later and I decided to pull some bits and pieces out of all of projects and this is what is becoming of it.
I dont wanna come off as mean but seems like quite a load of issues to tackle. your last wip and this wip everything under like 200hz is being sucked out of energy. the top end is grating as hell, your mid content has no room to breath, but I dig the synth line for the most part.
take what I say with a grain of salt as you see my mixes arent good.
Jun-05-2022 16:25
Supreme tranceaddict
Registered: Sep 2010
Location: Washington Coast
Originally posted by szm
I dont wanna come off as mean but seems like quite a load of issues to tackle. your last wip and this wip everything under like 200hz is being sucked out of energy. the top end is grating as hell, your mid content has no room to breath, but I dig the synth line for the most part.
take what I say with a grain of salt as you see my mixes arent good.
Nope, you speak the truth because that doesnt have a mix at all. Basically just a couple of chunks that I wanted to first, get some kind of decent composition and then second, the arrangement. Then I would be focusing on the mix. Kinda the way I work..lol
Jun-06-2022 18:14
Supreme tranceaddict
Registered: Feb 2021
Location: canada
oh that explains it, looking forward to listening to it mixed because I probably couldn't mix all that personally, not that I could mix anything. All these years went by and im still shit, kind of in a rut since I lost reason.
also riddle me this, if my room has a node with enhanced bass, would that make my bass overcompensated or undercompensated? I would think the latter but its not the case, im confused.
try 2. the low end is still mucked, I cant hear any changes past a point, I think I need room treatment and larger monitors not sure. the distorted stabs are iffy, mids are starting to get masked, idk, sounds not too bad on my speakers minus the mastering and lack of uppermid/high end energy.
nevermind, I give up I suck.
Last edited by szm on Jun-10-2022 at 00:50
Jun-08-2022 07:48
Virtual Wannabe
Registered: Aug 2004
missed your track msz (as usual ha)
i put this together just to try it out, something with low end is not grooving properly, too much perhaps??
wish I could help, low end monitoring is a problem on my end.your low end reminds me of some dusty kid tracks, he does these large boomy basses really well, maybe something to compare? I've seen a few videos on youtube where they basically tell you the low pass your master and hit like 100hz and under to gauge the boom roll. doesnt work for me because my listening setup is whack.
Last edited by szm on Jun-19-2022 at 06:10
Jun-18-2022 20:16
Supreme tranceaddict
Registered: Feb 2021
Location: canada
im reluctant to post another wip, because I know the mix is shit and agressive, there is probably a track buried somewhere in there...
Originally posted by szm
im reluctant to post another wip, because I know the mix is shit and agressive, there is probably a track buried somewhere in there...
So, I agree. There is a track in there but I believe that you could take that Saw and re formulate it in with some more voicing. Possibly even add another oscillator with some triangle or square voicing to fill it out. Just a thought but that main chord progression would sound nice if it was a Pad with some ducking under it.
Back at this....sounding a little better maybe with the changes??
the mids sound so nice; great piece. on my system im not sold on your kick and lower bass area, I think... not sure, maybe the kick is a bit too 'tappy'? relatively, just guessing I cant comprehend it too well.