What i had for a few hours.

Which leads to my story.
Apparently there is a huge shortage of efx1000 in melbourne, australia. I was told the earliest i could get one was april by 3 strores.
But me being impatient, i take up the offer of one store and purchased an "as new" ex rental unit. I take it home to discover that it is FAR from "as new" and call them upm straight away. Luckily they put up no fight and happily refunded the purchase.
After using the efx 1000 for an hour or two i have come to the realisation that it is massively overpriced, and the efx 500 is more than enough for me. However the efx 1000 is at least 32 times more sexy than the efx 500, which ultimately makes me decide that i still want a djm 800.
That was my efx 1000 story.
Last edited by cbrendan on Feb-21-2007 at 13:44