Supreme tranceaddict
Registered: Apr 2012
Location: Amsterdam
quote: | Originally posted by evo8
really nice, cool track, i really like the high pitched melody sound, its a pity it gets slightly drowned out by the other synths that come in - maybe try and prioritise it in the mix a bit more? |
Which one? The arp-like starting at 0:48?
Aug-17-2013 16:42
Registered: Feb 2013
Location: Montreal Canada
quote: | Originally posted by evo8
i dunno what to say about this really lol |
Me neither lol I'm very confused as to what it is classified as. Did you enjoy it or was it too generic or not your style?
Aug-17-2013 18:56
Junior tranceaddict
Registered: May 2013
quote: | Originally posted by wayfinder
To me, the sound is relatively raw overall, what with the rumbling kick sound, the somewhat basic hihat pattern, the bass/pad synth choices, and the extremely sparse fx work. That's not a bad thing per se, but I think the track could benefit from a little smoothness somewhere, if only to create a contrast against which the rawer elements sound even more paleo Maybe one of the existing elements could be adapted (I think the kick or the pad would be good choices), or something could be added (like an arp, or some more flowing percussion). Does that make sense? |
I've been away for a while so sorry for the late reply. I don't really know what to make of your criticism. It sounds like you don't like it that much Kick and drums is what I have most problems with, so I can agree they may not be top notch.
The raw sound was what I was going for with this one. I kinda like it, but maybe your right about creating some contrast. It gets even rawer later on
I think I will give this tune a few more hours and then move on. Can't work on it for ever. Thanks for your comments.
Aug-17-2013 19:55
Junior tranceaddict
Registered: May 2013
quote: | Originally posted by Deillon
I guess this is chillout.
I like the beat. Not to happy about that high blip though, gets distracting for me. Would prefer something totally different to be honest.
Aug-17-2013 20:15
Registered: Feb 2013
Location: Montreal Canada
quote: | Originally posted by evo8
yeah sorry that may have across as being harsh - i just wouldnt be into that style at all |
It's all good. Tbh I didn expect many to like it. I set out to make something different and that usually comes with people not liking it. Everyone has a right to opinion especially with a track as experimental as this haha
Aug-18-2013 19:52
Senior tranceaddict
Registered: Sep 2007
Location: Vancouver, canada
quote: | Originally posted by Lryso
what genre do you believe this to be |
I actually like this. It sounds cool to me. the mix down doesn't sound good on my speakers tho. The bottom end is a little muddy.
Aug-18-2013 21:14
Registered: Feb 2013
Location: Montreal Canada
quote: | Originally posted by Vancouver
I actually like this. It sounds cool to me. the mix down doesn't sound good on my speakers tho. The bottom end is a little muddy. |
Well thank ya! Ya I don't own any monitors yet and my landlord is pain in the ass about music being played. I need to take it into a studio and correct some frequencies and mix. Thanks for the heads up
Aug-19-2013 03:43
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