well its been a while since ive shown off ye ole booth. we've had a few new additions and things have gotten a hell of alot messier.
the rats nest:
this is where things get ugly:
we have flashing lights:
it even smiles, disco smiles that is...
the gear:
Vestax PCV-275R
3x Sl-1200M3D
3x ortofon nightclubs
Sony MDR-7506 (NEWish)
Furman M-8L (NEW)
Evolution UC-33e (NEW)
M-audio FW 410
Sony MD recorder
Crappy Kenwood reciever
Apple 15" Powerbook G4 1.67, 1GB RAM, 80GB HD, Superdrive
Runs: Serato, Ableton 5, Reason, Protools M-powered
Next project: CUSTOM TABLE, this looks like shit.