Supreme tranceaddict
Registered: Apr 2011
Location: Zagreb, Croatia
quote: | Originally posted by Richard Butler
You guys feedback lead to I think a far better version and better showcase of the analoggggg arp
It's nice Rich, cool vibe. Like the subtle phazing/cutoff on synth. Kick sounds maybe a bit out of mix.
4th Dimension Club on Soundcloud
Aug-05-2017 21:26
Supreme tranceaddict
Registered: Apr 2011
Location: Zagreb, Croatia
I was playing with this again. Does the bass starting at 0:48 works for you guys?
btw Thanks, Rich for pointing out my annoying synth after 15 sec, i'm doing this all the time not knowing at first
4th Dimension Club on Soundcloud
Aug-05-2017 21:46
Supreme tranceaddict
Registered: Apr 2011
Location: Zagreb, Croatia
quote: | Originally posted by SystematicX1
YES!! And...no.
Yes as in I totally get it and YES! It truly does work.
No as in imo, it should be subtle in the mix and could easily be resolved by volume. I can appreciate the wideness of the tone it is attempting to create but feel you would get more impact by going with less stereo range on that bass. Maybe even a low pass on EQ just to get the subtly and warmth.
Really Really Really dig this and feel it can be a very vibey track
Welp, I had to make a decision on this track as I keep coming back to it. I made the decision to stick with it but if I were to, things had to change.
After a lot of thought, I made considerable changes in the composition.
Nearly all the beginning percussion is gone and went more atmospheric.
Made some adjustments on the snare and kick end.
Note changes in a few areas but the arrangement remained.
To me, the biggest change came when I felt the track was sluggish. So, I increased the bpm to 128 and feel it has a much better groove to it.
Still needing some work but I feel this is a better iteration.
Hey thanks, will try how it sounds with a more subtle bass... I like the old and the new beginning. I think you need more lowend from 1:10, and it's a bit to bright in mid-highs imo. I also have a feeling that the kick is slowing down the groove in some parts.
4th Dimension Club on Soundcloud
Aug-05-2017 23:40
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