chris marsh
Supreme tranceaddict
Registered: Feb 2012
Location: london
quote: | Originally posted by Richard Butler
So how is the mix here. I know its loud but I wanted this one very loud and anyway would get it pro mastered if it gets picked up
this is cool like it. to me something doesnt sound quite right in the low end, the way the kick and bass sit together. is the kick and bass tuned right? to me the bass sounds lke it sits better when it moves up, and away from the root but when it comes back its just not quite sitting right
i like all the incidental sounds that keep it interesting
it does sound a bit sharp. maybe look at the 4k range as this might need to be cut to git rid of some of the sharpness
also maybe you are over cooking the limiting/compression a little
Jul-03-2017 13:58
chris marsh
Supreme tranceaddict
Registered: Feb 2012
Location: london
quote: | Originally posted by Mr.Mystery
So I was going through some old files yesterday, and found this interesting thing and thought I'd polish it up. It's kind of a throwback to early Planisphere tracks with those massive 3-4 minute ambient breakdowns. The beat/bass balance still isn't right and some things are missing, but it's basically there.
i like this. to me it needs a little bit more (as you said) to keep it interesting. there is not quite enough happening, like some subtle melodic or harmonic changes would be awesome, or some more incidental sounds
bass sounds good to me but could be a bit tighter,maybe some more compression on the bass to keep it tighter, it somehow sounds a little "wooly" although sounds like all bass elements are in key with each other
Jul-03-2017 14:04
chris marsh
Supreme tranceaddict
Registered: Feb 2012
Location: london
Jul-03-2017 14:07
Virtual Wannabe
Registered: Aug 2004
Jul-06-2017 21:59
chris marsh
Supreme tranceaddict
Registered: Feb 2012
Location: london
quote: | Originally posted by evo8
thanks dude. yes its garage but im going for a sort of dnb/garage cross over. The bass still needs work. ive been reverse engineering some sounds in serum to try and get it right. such an awesome synth
your tune sounds wicked. all the synths, pads sound sweet and loving the vocal sample with delays.
what did you make that lead/pad with just before it breaks and what reverb you got on that? real nice
The only one thing it is missing imo is bass, I kept expecting it to kick in but it never came. looks like your kick is peaking at around 100 hz and although it has some sub in it too, its not enough to fill out the bottom end of the tune on its own IMO. Even just a simple one note thing to underpin everything would work. IMO of course
you might try a very slight high cut with a steep curve on the high synths/samples, to make room for the hats. Maybe boost the hats a bit in volume or eq to help them stick out a bit more. IMO
Last edited by chris marsh on Jul-07-2017 at 20:19
Jul-07-2017 20:02
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