Thanks again for this advice. I play multiple genres so this has been extremely helpful. My cue is constantly full now. I am racking up a huge collection of favorites. My hold bin is packed. My workday is awesome because I am listening to music all day now.
I once thought Beatport was burdensome and now it seems so easy. Your advice should have been obvious. Now my biggest concern is that I have too much GOOD music to choose from. I seldom hear the random junk I was before either.
I'm sure once I make it through all of the artist top tens it will calm down some, then it will just be all of the artist and label new releases, but right now, I am inundated with quality tunes. And, thanks to the hold bin I don't have to pass up on ANYTHING. I can just buy it later if and when it seems more relevant to a future gig.
I kinda wish my cue would carry over from computer to computer like my cart and hold bin do, but it kinda helps having more cue lists as well. I listen to everything at work and add stuff to my hold bin. On the weekend I listen to my hold bin at home on my 12" monitors to make the final decision to buy. So, I can keep my work cue going uninterrupted and have a different cue at home more directed at exact purchases. Its kinda like my work computer has my hold bin cue and my home computer has my purchase cue...
Any, props and thanks again. I never fell out of love with the music, but since I finally made the switch to Traktor and now understand how to use Beatport, I am deeply, madly, in love with music.
- Christian Michael