quote: | Originally posted by RJT
Greg - You have got to stop being such a nazi about this labeling issue. It's not going to work, and quite frankly, I don't think there are that many people who want to see it work.
Let people decide for themselves how they want to be represented, don't try to lock them into some formula where you require them to pigeonhole themselves into a genre. |
I didn't require that, you can choose whether or not to add a label.
You can leave it at:
Artist Name - Mix Name - Date
I have also recieved a LOT of positive feedback about the rule from old school TAs as well as new ones! I just think those three elements are KEY in what a mix thread title should include. Stu Cox had some concers about it as well and here's how it went down:
Some of what Stu said:
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I think imposing a rule for naming mix threads is a bad idea.
I agree it'll make things slightly easier to browse as a 'library' of mixes,
but it would make it a lot harder for the poster to really promote their mix and make it stand out from others...
as I'm concerned the poster's chance to grab my attention is in the thread title.
Essentially what you're doing is putting every mix on a level playing field... maybe this is part of the intention but I think those willing to put the extra effort into trying to make their mix stand out should be allowed to!
Yep this organizational stuff is what I'm trying to do. The amount of mixes being posted is getting higher and higher and searching for mixes is a real pain as well. Not every vinyl cover looks cool, but sometimes even the ugly covers have some cool music inside. I think with similar titles people will start checking out more different mixes and giving other stuff a try. (I was the kind of person who thought the thread title would make or break my mix as well btw...)
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This whole forum has far too many rules anyway it's the only messageboard I know which is run like a bloody military regime... I can see the point in a lot of it, but some of it gets a bit daft imo.
Actually, compared to the other forum I moderate as well as a lot of technical forums, TA is pretty chill. I've talked this over with some of the other mods, they seem the think the rule is a good idea- it's mainly about proper archiving, and secondarily putting mixes on the same level. Also, I like to mod in a way that helps everyone, hence the suggestion thread etc, so this rule is by no means set in stone. Also go check out the Producers Promotion Section- look at how nice everything looks with similar thread titles!
This is something which has been happening in the Music Producer's Promotion forum for a long time, (it isn't 'firm' but is almost always followed, becaause it's whats expected.) I am only doing this to try and help this forum. This board represents a huge body of work which deserves to be documented! Sometimes dates and dj names arent included anywhere in the post and the user's TA name is not their DJ name- how do you search that? If anything I think this is bringing this forum to a whole new level of proffesionalism and awesomeness!
As I have said before, this is NOT set in stone and has already been modified since it was put into place, so suggestions and comments are always welcome.
Does this explain a little bit better why I am pushing for this rule? Also, I wouldn't call my actions as a mod in order to enforce this rule nazi-like. I could have done what you originally suggested and just closed all the mislabeled threads. But that would be stupid. I have a nice template post which I can just b0p into any thread and is pleasant and easy to understand.
Fortuna Favet Fortibus.