Originally posted by sako487
Chill house track I started yesterday, mix is very rough
Let me know what you guys think
Sounds nice but I dont think the vocals sit very well atm.
Jun-23-2013 06:25
Supreme tranceaddict
Registered: Feb 2003
Location: Berlin
Originally posted by evo8
2 tracks, one i uploaded last week but changed the kick to a better one
and one new one i did last week as well
first one: love the synth, but it feels like the drums are happening in a completely separate space, and i am missing a little bass. if it were mine i'd try and take it even more into hypnotic territory
second one: oh thats a smooth beat, very lowfi disco. the pitch bend fill im not sure about. loving that little ping pong/echolocator fx at the end. maybe the bass is a little too prominent? where do you want to end up with this?
Originally posted by vercetti
My track I'm struggling a bit with at the moment. Let me know what you think about the mix and everything else.
quite upbeat and sprightly, that shuffle i feel like theres a weird reverb on the drums though, and they sound too sequenced for the organic quality of the rest of the track. the sub bass is humming along nicely, maybe a tad too strong? feels like it's booming a bit. cool airy chords. the break is really quiet for a longish time, maybe some more stuff to listen to in there would be good. when the drums come back, it doesnt feel like a natural song structure, more like you needed to go there again and didn't care how, a better buildup could fix that. i think i know now what irks me with the drums: the hats are really attacky and harsh, and happy/proud, while the rest of the track is melancholy/contemplative, and it clashes a bit. consider maybe changing the whole percussion im liking the twangy chorus, i feel like it would work even better if you made the twang rarer, restricted it to a couple of effective places. i love it when a track has those unique moments that make you go back and listen to the whole thing again just for that one perfect second.
Originally posted by Juan Paulino
Transfered everything from Logic 9 to Garageband with no hassle. Switched to a different kick thanks tot he audio engine and some new pads and a new lead. Now i'm ready for breakdown.
Behold, the power of Garageband!
liking the way the different bass sounds work together. not sure about this kick, it's a bit heady maybe? at about 1:45 there's a weird little pause before the minibreak, whats up with that i feel like the hats get out of the way a bit too much, it feels like the track is permanently in intro mode. it's overall very uniform, maybe you need something to provide a little interest.
Originally posted by sako487
Chill house track I started yesterday, mix is very rough
Let me know what you guys think
that arp in the intro is great, but it's a bit of a letdown that it doesnt lead into an engaging part right away. the main part has (sorry) atrocious mixing: it sounds empty, like someone gouged out the whole midrange with a blunt instrument. i like the percussive elements, even though i feel like the kick could be stronger and the off-beat hat shorter, but man! the harmonic elements, you need to get shit that under control
Originally posted by Richard Butler
Sorry guys this jus came out of nowhere and reminds me of driving at night.
Mix only done on little pc speakers so far so it's probably iffy.
i love nighttime driving with the music turned up,,, this should be right up my alley then when you highpass the kick, in the intro, be bolder to assure people it's a wanted effect and not just bad mixing when the bass set it, i was like, oooh! robert miles - children! but you put your own spin on it and it works well. the bass sound rings a bit in the lower mids... i really like you snare/clap fills. kick and aux bass together (after the break, until the main bass sets in) sound a bit wooden and lacking sub. that last buildup with the melody doesn't work so well, it sounded to me like you introduced elements pretty much at random and there was no real payoff... consider softening the harshness of that melody's instrument... maybe a fuzzy distortion rather than a shrill and resonant one is what it needs?
if this were my track, i'd probably go full disco on the bassline
Originally posted by Richard Butler
So I've updated this - is this drop naff?
haha this is cool! very engaging, lovely energy! reminds me of certain Hybrid remixes, but with more modern drums. overall i think there are some mixing problems: the vocal is a bit too dominant in the beginning (better later), some of the fx sounds completely take over the track for their duration, the bass strength is inconsistent from part to part and the sound can feel muffled and chaotic/too full – but the compository foundation is solid and thats what matters, the rest is just polishing and engineering.
WAYFINDER - yooo da man! Very detailed feedback, thanks.
TBH I'm finding I am dreadful at mixing so what I'm doing is readying tracks like this which I will go back to after a good while to mix properly as I just cannot see the woods for the trees when I'm making a project.
Really helped me to zone in on what are actually glaring errors, so thanks very much.
Jun-24-2013 13:27
Virtual Wannabe
Registered: Aug 2004
Originally posted by wayfinder
first one: love the synth, but it feels like the drums are happening in a completely separate space, and i am missing a little bass. if it were mine i'd try and take it even more into hypnotic territory
second one: oh thats a smooth beat, very lowfi disco. the pitch bend fill im not sure about. loving that little ping pong/echolocator fx at the end. maybe the bass is a little too prominent? where do you want to end up with this?
thanks, appreciate the feedback! yes i think the first track is lacking a bit more sub, i was going for a stripped down feel but maybe went too far
Registered: Feb 2011
Location: Southern California
Originally posted by NoName_At_All
The mixing is great. There are some elements I have a hard time with. I don't like the melody playing over the kick after the drop. Mainly because it takes to much focus away from the kick. Nothing wrong with the sound itself, it's just the melody that annoys me.
Other than that, I think you are getting good at creating buildups and anticipation.
Thanks for the feedback. I think I needed something else at the climax (it's more of a riff to me than a melody) other than the kick but it certainly isn't anything I put a huge amount of effort into creating.
Songwriter/artist and reluctant producer.