Juan Paulino
Come Away O Human Child
Registered: Mar 2012
Location: Rouge City
Jun-19-2013 22:44
Juan Paulino
Come Away O Human Child
Registered: Mar 2012
Location: Rouge City
Jun-19-2013 22:49
Supreme tranceaddict
Registered: May 2001
Location: Hollywood....
quote: | Originally posted by Juan Paulino
To each their own. Cubase has the most distorted playback engine ever, will try pro tools and see how that goes.
The Garageband engine made me change my kick and i think it sounds better now. |
Juan, I was powertrolling you;
There is absolutely no difference between "audio engines". In fact, garage band uses exact the same code to process audio as found in logic. You just moved your project from one "audio engine" to the same "audio engine". The difference you're hearing is either placebo, different FX routing or pan laws.
Jun-19-2013 22:52
Juan Paulino
Come Away O Human Child
Registered: Mar 2012
Location: Rouge City
Jun-19-2013 22:57
Supreme tranceaddict
Registered: May 2001
Location: Hollywood....
quote: | Originally posted by Juan Paulino
So your saying i can get the same depth i hear from garageband in logic 9?
With my lynx hilo, treatment, and focal twins i hear a big difference. |
When they made garage band, they took the audio code from Logic and made a simpler sequencer.
If you really are hearing a difference (and not placebo) it comes from the panning law settings possibly being different, different FX routing, and possibly the built in stock EQ and compressor being lsightly different.
Other than that there is literally no difference. Garageband is a cut down version of logic.
Jun-20-2013 19:23
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