Only Sidechaining a Bit
Registered: Mar 2005
Location: Denver
thanks for checking that first work, I have finally done the rest of the work I needed to do on it, Darius I see what you say about the tail on the kick but so far no one has mentioned it really, it doesn't stand out too me that much, you mean like the subby tail? It is kinda of a longer kick but kinda why I like it. Anyway here's the rest of the work, stripped out that piano and tried to give the track some atmosphere and structure. also got those drums dialed in now, oooh yeah baby
Oct-08-2015 19:59
Only Sidechaining a Bit
Registered: Mar 2005
Location: Denver
I will try to see if the kick can be settled in there a bit better, I haven't messed with it that much but maybe it would sound better. and yeah the chords do get pushed back a bit, but I kind of have it to where in certain parts of the tracks it stands out more than others.
Oct-08-2015 21:23
Only Sidechaining a Bit
Registered: Mar 2005
Location: Denver
part of the bassline layer. basically a kick drum pushed up 1 octave
Oct-09-2015 13:27
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