Dj Dizzy
Guaranteed Fresh...
Registered: Sep 2002
Location: Atlanta
me and the wife just moved into a new place. we lost our house back in 2009 when the recession hit, she lost her job and i got a pay-cut. so after 5-6 years of renting a cheap shit-hole, we were finally able to get back on our feet and bought a house again. we're in a fun part of town, just a couple miles from downtown. it's nice seeing the skyline and being close to everything again, i couldn't be happier.
i was finally able to buy a real desk to put my gear on too, before this i was using tv trays as stands for the virus/pulse/focusrite which was crammed into a tiny little space in the tiny bedroom of the crummy place we'd been renting before we bought this house. it's so nice to have a proper "music corner" right next to my side of the bed. i feel like i'm ballin now. j/k but it really has helped me feel more inspired now that i have an ergonomic and comfortable place. it's made a huge difference, i wasn't expecting that.
Access Virus TI Polar, Moog Sub Phatty, Waldorf Pulse 2, Roland JP-8000, Technics 1210MK2's, NI Traktor Konyrol S4, Yamaha HS7's
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Apr-22-2015 18:20
Virtual Wannabe
Registered: Aug 2004
May-29-2015 21:01
Supreme tranceaddict
Registered: May 2001
Location: Hollywood....
May-29-2015 21:07
Virtual Wannabe
Registered: Aug 2004
May-29-2015 21:11
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