quote: | Originally posted by djnitride
How do you like it? All of the demo's I have listened too sound very nice. |
i was fighting with my audio interface all week and just finally got it working last night, it ended up being focusrite driver and ASIO issues. so i haven't been able to really spend time with it yet because by the time i got the focusrite working properly, i was too burned out and tired to play with the pulse 2. i only demo'ed a handful of presets so i'll have to reply back once i spend some actual time programming new sounds. i was iffy on the interface but surprisingly i found the matrix-style design to be very easy to use.
some people have described its sound as cold and in comparison to a Moog, i see what they mean. it has a very modern analog sound, i don't know how to describe it better than that. but it's very versatile, it can deliver on deep/warm analog by keeping the filter resonance down and the VCA overdrive definitely gives it some muscle.
i've wanted an analog synth for years so alot of thought went into the decision since this is my first analog synth. the choice was between the pulse 2, bs2, minibrute, sub phatty or mopho or tetra.
i like the minibrute's unique sound but it seems too limited and the "made in china" build quality is a turn off. the new DSI analog synths seem to have too much of a generic analog sound to them. the bs2 seemed more versatile than the minibrute but tbh i'd been drooling over the Moog Phatty series for years. the reason i didn't go for one of the Moog Phatty's is because i know i'd use it for big leads and basses. the Phatty synths have a wonderfully deep/rich/warm sound to them that make the DSI synths sound lifeless in comparison IMO. but i like making big leads/basses in my Virus which eat up alot of the frequency bandwidth and the sounds i'd make on the Phatty would be the same. so there'd always be a battle over the low-mids and mids between the Virus and the Moog. the Pulse 2 would sit in with the big Virus sounds much easier and the Pulse 2 arguably seemed like the most versatile of the group aside from the DSI synths which are also very versatile.
i can make alot of leads on the Pulse 2 that aren't as much of a frequency bandwidth hog yet you still get that distinctive analog sound. i think the Pulse 2 was definitely the right choice for the job and will compliment the Virus very well. i'm sure a Moog and Virus would sound amazing together if you let the Moog do the "bigger" sounds and the Virus for sounds to round out the remaining frequencies that aren't already vouched for by the Moog sound that's used. i really wanted to keep using my Virus as the focal point and have something analog to compliment it, so the Pulse 2 should do that beautifully.
i'll reply back once i spend some more time and am intimate with the Pulse 2. i'll post up some sounds too. so far i think the Pulse 2 is a synth made with modern dance music in mind because there's so much layering in songs these days. i think this synth would layer well to sit in a mix. i wouldn't be able to layer one of the Moog Phatty synths in the same manner.
i'm sure you agree that "the right synth" depends on what role you want it to have and what type of sound you're going for. i think the Pulse 2 will fit the niche perfectly for me, i really love the paraphonic option.
Access Virus TI Polar, Moog Sub Phatty, Waldorf Pulse 2, Roland JP-8000, Technics 1210MK2's, NI Traktor Konyrol S4, Yamaha HS7's
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