Yes it is existo again and I am going to reply to you here to show everybody what type of coward you really are. I see you have a hair up your butt regarding me posting here. I suggest you remove it or find another nit to pick on. Kind regards. Existo.
[Sigh. Another alt added to the ever-expanding list of Existo bans. -DG]
[You're not the first to figure this out; we're running ancient-ass forum software that's riddled with security issues. This is why I block all scripts from TA. Swamper's the only one who can fix it; in the meantime, please don't post it publicly and make it worse than it already is. -DG]
If less is more think about how much more more would be.
Last edited by DigiNut on Jun-10-2011 at 22:54
Jun-10-2011 14:17
Supreme tracneaddict
Registered: Feb 2005
Location: The Netherlands
Annoying PM spam
Santiago72 wrote on Today 18:22:
Hello! I'm a professional musician, keyboardist and composer. Perhaps you need great melodies or hook lines in your trance tracks. If so I can help you in your career. Please listen to some mp3 examples (copy and paste in your browser):
[I'm not sure if there's a whole lot I can do about this (annoying as it may be). I can only moderate the content in this specific sub-forum and can't suspend users without at least one post, nor can I personally verify the authenticity of a PM. I'd recommend contacting one of the admins (Swamper or chinamon) about it if it keeps happening. -DG]
[You've got some serious chutzpah claiming victim status here, looking at your previous contributions in that thread. I'm sure that they would all leave you alone if you stopped trying to get the last word in after every single reply. -DG]