Junior tranceaddict
Registered: May 2013
quote: | Originally posted by evo8
heres another techno-ish one from me, opinions? too cheesy? bongo sounds a bit too loud? |
Can't say if the bongos are to loud or not, sounds good to me. I like how the tension build before the drop and the drop is good. I don't like that sound playing over the bass though. Maybe you could try something different, or maybe it's just me and you should stick with it.
Jun-07-2013 15:10
Junior tranceaddict
Registered: May 2013
quote: | Originally posted by Juan Paulino
I agree about the kick not working perfectly with the bass. On its own it sounds good but when the bass comes in they don't gel together. The FX and atmosphere is nice.
It's not at all bad though. Hard to say anything more with so little.
Jun-07-2013 15:25
Junior tranceaddict
Registered: May 2013
quote: | Originally posted by Evolve140
Been a while friends. On a deep/proggy journey lately!
Deepgroovy: The closed hat is very loud and hard on the ears. In fact all drums seems to be to loud to me. The rest is good I think.
The other one is not for me so will not commentate on that.
Jun-07-2013 15:40
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