Supreme tranceaddict
Registered: May 2001
Location: Hollywood....
quote: | Originally posted by EddieZilker
Don't forget to put the obligatory Existo22 mark-up on your drywall. |
Lol, Absolutely true - you can have room treatment, sprung floors, bass traps, as much owens corning as you can possibly buy, but it's not a studio unless I HEART EXISTO22 is on the drywall.
May-16-2010 21:02
Junior tranceaddict
Registered: Jul 2008
Location: Toronto, Canada
May-17-2010 10:36
Zak McKracken
Registered: Jun 2003
quote: | Originally posted by Alphadelta
PS. Does anyone else have issues with neighbours - it's a MASSIVE creative block for me waiting for the next whack on the cardboard walls!! |
May-17-2010 10:38
Supreme tranceaddict
Registered: May 2001
Location: Hollywood....
quote: | Originally posted by counterfeiter
I'm building it myself. I've done a shitload of research on materials, and I'm almost done. |
Nice job, and I'm seriously impressed you built it yourself - just one question: did you decouple the drywall from the stud? (green glue, joist tape etc.?)
If noise transfer to other people is a problem and you haven't, you might want to think about double drywalling. Pain to do but makes a huge difference.....
May-17-2010 22:02
Junior tranceaddict
Registered: Jul 2008
Location: Toronto, Canada
I'm a handy guy and I have some experience building.
The electrical was done by a friend of mine and I have electrical outlets every 4' and my electrical pannel is protected by a "surge supressor". The room is also wired for surround sound, coax and CAT-5E (in multiple locations).
The 5/8" drywall is "decoupeled" with resiliant channel the joists and stud cavities are packed with Roxul Safe & Sound.
I did my research and I'm using 5/8" drywall (which is denser than the standard 1/2" drywall). 5/8" drywall is also considered "fire-code" which buys you another few minutes in case of a fire.
The Roxul also helps.
Double 1/2" drywall with greenglue would be taking it one step further but is significantly more expensive. My ceiling height is 6 1/2' and I want to preserve as much height as possible because I'm going to be installing a floating laminate floor.
I've done a lot of research regarding materials and I did what was in my budget. The sky is the limit when it comes to making a "sound proof" room.
So far I am very impressed with the how quiet the room is.
The Counterfeiters : Trance, House, Disco House, Experimental Electronica
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May-18-2010 00:03
Supreme tranceaddict
Registered: May 2001
Location: Hollywood....
I will stfu then.
Honestly, you've got all your materials and techniques right there - you should be very proud. I just finished an acoustics install (commercial) and I wish they had the allowed resources and went as far as you have. Resiliant channel is one of the best things you can do to accelerate the effect of isolation. I just bought 17 boxes of auralex 2" thick mineral. This is the most dense acoustic batt I have ever come across (8lbs+ per cubic foot).
know exactly what you mean about cost vs. soundproofing - it can get really expensive incredibly quickly.
May-18-2010 02:27
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