quote: | Originally posted by EgosXII
hell yeah man, your setup is very much like what i'm hoping to have in the next few years!
Yeah, I find that the better I get, the less "stuff" I need. Most of the stuff on my wish list are more "wants" rather than "needs". UAD-2, Sonnox, Waves SSL/API, etc. Mostly software. TBH, I use the built in Logic plugins more than anything else. That's one of the coolest things about Logic is the built in stuff is so damn good, you almost don't need anything else. However, it is good to have some 3rd party stuff, especially the UAD stuff, many of which are easily some of my favorite 3rd party plugins.
The only thing I'd like to do is replace the Novation with an actual synth that would double as a master keyboard. Since I already have the VA and analog mono covered, I was thinking of picking up a used, first generation V-Synth. They go for under $1,000 these days on the used market and I figure that its a piece of equipment that has capabilities I do not already possess, so it would make a great addition to my setup.
Also, at some point I'd like to upgrade my AD/DA. EIther by replacing my MOTU 2408 with something better or getting outboard conversion and running my synths and monitors through that unit or units. However, the MOTU performs admirably, so its not an immediate concern. I'm only interested in units with a PCIe interface, so anything thats an order of magnitude better than the MOTU is going to be north of $3,000 which puts it firmly in the "want" category.
quote: | Originally posted by EgosXII
how's the faderbox thingy you have as well? can't remember the name of it, but i was thinking of getting one to ease the use of logic |
I love it. Cheap and well built. I actually bought it a quite a while back when I was still on PC using Cubase. At the time I rarely used it, so when I switched to Mac, I actually disconnected it and it sat on a shelf for over a year. Then about 6 months ago I hooked it back up and started using it extensively. Now I don't think I could do without it. I actually prefer it to some of the multi-channel fader controls such as the Mackie Control unit. It's easy to know which track it is controlling because it can only control a single track, which is the selected track.
One of the neat things about using a unit like that is when you are trying to find the right level for a particular part. I'll usually bring the fader all the way down and then close my eyes and slowly bring it up until the track sounds balanced in the mix. You can't beat that level of physical control. It's got transport controls as well, so that makes it easy to hit record with my left hand while keeping my right hand on the keyboard playing a part. Highly recommended.
Last edited by Eric J on Jan-22-2010 at 08:09