Registered: Apr 2003
Location: Los Angeles, USA
yah, it's not hard to take apart/put back together. it's just now that i ripped both wires off i figure i should maybe just try to replace both wires and see if that fixes them, since they did seem like they were just shorting out. only thing is i don't solder to well nor do i know my way around soldering on the circuit board correctly...
May-23-2006 07:29
Supreme tranceaddict
Registered: Aug 2005
Location: los angeles, usa
don't be fraid!
you don't have to be that good at soldering, to fix the headphones.
the headphones should have 3 different colored wires. one color for the right ear, another color for the left ear. then a third color for the grounds.
take apart the other ear cup. you should see two wires, but you will notice that one wire in the other ear cup is the same color as one of the wires in other ear cup. - this is the ground wire. just resolder the wires according to how they appear in the ear cup that's still good, and you'll be ok. you probably will not even need to buy solder to do the job. if the joint is big enough, just melt the existing joint enough to put the wire back in, and let it cool. -this is really ghetto, but it will work.
also you can probably score a cheap multi-meter for about 20bux, or less at fry's. probably not necessary for this project, but it's handy.
where in los angeles are you? if you're close enough, and our schedules match up, i'll be happy to help you fix them.
May-24-2006 05:33
Registered: Apr 2003
Location: Los Angeles, USA
i'm out in Arcadia. work in Downtown. i'll give it a go and if i can't fix it how bout i holler at you? that okay?
May-24-2006 06:05
Supreme tranceaddict
Registered: Aug 2005
Location: los angeles, usa
May-24-2006 06:40
Supreme tranceaddict
Registered: May 2006
Location: san jose.california
Pionner hdj 100's broken left side cracked is there posible repair or m i out 150$?
america controla
Aug-25-2006 03:57
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