Rodri Santos
Supreme tranceaddict
Registered: Sep 2009
Location: Milan
it sounds offkey all the way but i think it's mainly because of the bass. I am not good either but i think you should stick to a key and since the bass is static just follow the root note. If you don't know much about music theory just try different chords and choose the ones that sound good to you, if you still got no ear you can bring a friend or family member with you and show him 3 different melodies: Which one sounds best to you?
Apr-21-2013 20:29
Juan Paulino
Come Away O Human Child
Registered: Mar 2012
Location: Rouge City
Apr-21-2013 21:49
Supreme tranceaddict
Registered: Feb 2007
Location: Canberra, Australia
quote: | Originally posted by Juan Paulino
I used 2 loops thats why i finished it so fast. I guess my approach isn't good at all.
Wut if i used mixed in key on a bassline loop and work from there? ( Is that how its done?)
Anyway i feel like i learned a lot already |
You use loops for your pitched content (that is, non-drum loops?)
And then you can't tell when one part is out of tune with another part, and you want someone else to "tell you which bits are out of key and you'll try to fix them"?
Do you ever even listen to music? Are your favourite songs in key, or are they a bunch of random notes thrown together?
To me this approach sounds like the "producer" in you has gone crazy, and the musician doesn't exist. You're concentrating on the individual sounds, on the balance of the mix etc, while not noticing that the whole musical structure is broken and the end result is worthless - not many people are going to listen to an out of key song for enjoyment.
Now I understand how those couple of out-of-key notes have crept into some of the later trancemaster releases. More and more people with zero experience of real instruments, zero experience of songwriting, who think they can just skip all that and stick loops together and focus on "their image".
If you're going to focus solely on production and not care about music at all, at least use white noise/ animal sounds/ non-musical sounds, and mix them together. There are entire genres based around non-musical production where you'll be able to find the audience you're after.
Apr-21-2013 23:22
Juan Paulino
Come Away O Human Child
Registered: Mar 2012
Location: Rouge City
quote: | Originally posted by derail
You use loops for your pitched content (that is, non-drum loops?)
And then you can't tell when one part is out of tune with another part, and you want someone else to "tell you which bits are out of key and you'll try to fix them"?
Do you ever even listen to music? Are your favourite songs in key, or are they a bunch of random notes thrown together?
To me this approach sounds like the "producer" in you has gone crazy, and the musician doesn't exist. You're concentrating on the individual sounds, on the balance of the mix etc, while not noticing that the whole musical structure is broken and the end result is worthless - not many people are going to listen to an out of key song for enjoyment.
Now I understand how those couple of out-of-key notes have crept into some of the later trancemaster releases. More and more people with zero experience of real instruments, zero experience of songwriting, who think they can just skip all that and stick loops together and focus on "their image".
If you're going to focus solely on production and not care about music at all, at least use white noise/ animal sounds/ non-musical sounds, and mix them together. There are entire genres based around non-musical production where you'll be able to find the audience you're after. |
I dont really care wut you told me, becuase i finished this song in less than a day. This is my not my best track but it was damn well easy as fuck and thats what i wanted to prove to myself. I been at it for only 2 years. All i need now is work in one scale and thats it, good bye to you sir.
Edit: you act as if i like working out of key. It was only a mistake so fuck off.
Juan Paulino - Quantum Break (Original Mix) [Progressive Breaks]
Apr-22-2013 18:20
Rodri Santos
Supreme tranceaddict
Registered: Sep 2009
Location: Milan
well the first tune i made took me like 3 months of intense working to be finished, production is shit (i didn't even use automations i believe), musically has some good points but the overall concept sinks from every corner... but i still receive very very good feedback about that tune and the only reason i can find is that i really put effort into it maximizing my little skills.
You can't expect to have a killer tune in a few hours, it's very cool to get excited by your own track and spend 3 hours in a row with it but even if you feel you could go on i'd not spend more than 3 hours a day... it's better to pick some reference tracks of what you want to achieve and take some of their ideas plus your own and slowly start drawing a bigger picture, slamming loops for the sake of doing it won't work.
About melodies... i prefer to make small melodies of something i have on my head rather than something too intrincate, every time i want to make an epic uplifter the melody start sounding awkward at some point when i want to make it too complex, maybe if i knew more i could make something that is both innovative and ear candy at the same time but for 90% of mortals is better to stick with something easier and use your strenghts instead.
Apr-22-2013 18:52
Zak McKracken
Registered: Jun 2003
quote: | Originally posted by Juan Paulino
I been at it for only 2 years. |
you should be able to put things in key after a week. consider getting a piano to actually learn chords and scales? or maybe just focus on beats and grooves.
Apr-22-2013 20:00
Zak McKracken
Registered: Jun 2003
quote: | Originally posted by Juan Paulino
Edit: you act as if i like working out of key. It was only a mistake so fuck off. |
you arent really good on critics man. your mistake is like a kid putting on left shoe on right leg. its really nothing you practise, u just understand it imidiatly or you will never get it imo. you could have a piano next to it and try to play every note you hear in your samples to "figure out the mystery", but that really, REALLY retarded. good thing is your mix though, pretty clear and tight. make prog/tech.
Apr-22-2013 20:03
Rodri Santos
Supreme tranceaddict
Registered: Sep 2009
Location: Milan
Back to topic finished this today which should be the side B of an EP with a track i posted here a few weeks ago.
Rodriii by Rodrisantos on Mixcloud
Apr-22-2013 20:19
Juan Paulino
Come Away O Human Child
Registered: Mar 2012
Location: Rouge City
Apr-22-2013 20:41
Zak McKracken
Registered: Jun 2003
i know. i dont know how. 10 years now and i dont improve. melody sound design and structure are fine, mixing sux.
Apr-22-2013 20:46
Juan Paulino
Come Away O Human Child
Registered: Mar 2012
Location: Rouge City
Apr-22-2013 20:52
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