quote: | Originally posted by MSZ
Quite curious on how this mix is translating, ill leave some feedback for people who post after me, my unhelpful feedback that is. |
I agree with evo that the low mids sounds a little bit muddy. Maybe cut some things out around the 200-800Hz mark to make it a little bit clearer? Im not sure though, my room situation isn't the best, but if I remember riht this might have been a problem area in the last tunes I've heard from you.
Why is your feedback unhelpful!? Isnt this you?
Couldnt find your version only on youtube but it is on spotify and it is fucking good. Listen to that and tell me your feedback is unhelpful.
Im not sucking up to you, I don't care what you think but It seems like you have been listening too much to idiots lately. I have heard many good things from you so I think it is a little sad if you are going to let idiots ruin it for you.
So yeah, if you rather listen to people who adore Lady Gaga and Backstreet boys, then so bee it. But the salesfigures means nothing in the end. Good music is good music and shit music is shit music whatever the hord thinks, or don't thinks.
Excuse my grammar.