Thanks for the link beats and beeps. My camera is kinda crappy, but pretty decent for only $150! Anywayz... heres my setup:
Again, I have the following:
2 Technics SL1200-M3D's
2 Pioneer CDJ-100S's
1 Alesis Airfx
1 Alesis Airsynth
1 Vestax PCV-275 Mixer
1 Sony MDR-V700 Headphones
1 Chameleon Rack Light (for my mixer)
2 pre-mounted Stanton 890SA cartridges
Turntables, racklight, headphones, mixer, E-Razor's "Mantra" 

One of my CD decks, Alesis Airsynth, turntable

Another turntable, the other CD deck, Alesis Airfx

If you guys are interested I could also take a couple pictures of the lights in my room with the fog machine on. Looks pretty wicked!