Originally posted by Richard Butler
Really enjoyed that mate, great sound, reminds me of cold blues style.
FB: facebook.com/darkairmusic
Dec-16-2013 13:58
Registered: Feb 2012
Location: Cork
Originally posted by evo8
firstly, great feel - love the progressions and arps, really nice
The overall sound is slightly 2D to me, like everything is upfront?
Also the kick to be a bit heavier and less sub on the bass but thats just my personal preference
the main thing is that the track works, good job
Cheers for the feedback dude, will look at those points when i go back to finishing this off, nice1
FB: facebook.com/darkairmusic
Dec-16-2013 13:59
Registered: Feb 2012
Location: Cork
Originally posted by Richard Butler
Hoping to finish this in time for raphies deadline.
Any thoughts before I finish?
Cool track man liking the piano, but would definitely agree that the vocal is slightly too loud in parts, the part around 1.08 sounds too loud then around 1.20 sounds better
FB: facebook.com/darkairmusic
Dec-16-2013 14:03
Richard Butler
Supreme tranceaddict
Registered: Apr 2009
Location: London
Originally posted by evo8
nice groove Richard, is the vocal a bit loud in some parts, might need a bit more compression???
I agree, I have scrapped the vocal and am re-doing it anyway as this was crap.
Also will be making the mix better as the kick is a bit damp and the bass a bit wild.
Cheers for comments, I'm well going to miss Raphies deadline though.
Dec-16-2013 15:47
Supreme tranceaddict
Registered: Oct 2010
Tried to comment directly on the track, but made a mess. Hope you get your head around what I was trying to say.
cit. "Back then people danced to a dj set. Nowdays they are recording it with their smart phones."
Dec-16-2013 16:16
Richard Butler
Supreme tranceaddict
Registered: Apr 2009
Location: London
Originally posted by TranceElevation
Tried to comment directly on the track, but made a mess. Hope you get your head around what I was trying to say.
Cheers man, good comments and yes I agree with them all. When I played the track back next day the mistakes became so obvious - always should take breaks away from a mix but I get so into it I loose perspective.
Dec-16-2013 16:49
Supreme tranceaddict
Registered: Oct 2010
Originally posted by Richard Butler
Cheers man, good comments and yes I agree with them all. When I played the track back next day the mistakes became so obvious - always should take breaks away from a mix but I get so into it I loose perspective.
A solution would be learning to arrange quickly. I used to mix while I go, but not anymore. Structuring and mixing are completely different tasks for me nowadays. Looping a section over and over again will tire you of your own track, which would take away the inspiration and the will to finish it.
But yeah, your previous works were strange for me. Things seemed in place, but there was still some degraded quality, like when you convert from a higher bit depth. I couldn't understand why.
Now everything sounds polished.
cit. "Back then people danced to a dj set. Nowdays they are recording it with their smart phones."
Dec-16-2013 19:43
Virtual Wannabe
Registered: Aug 2004
Originally posted by Richard Butler
Cheers man, good comments and yes I agree with them all. When I played the track back next day the mistakes became so obvious - always should take breaks away from a mix but I get so into it I loose perspective.
always go back the next day with fresh ears, makes mixing so much easier
Sorry I have not been around as much as I would like lately. I am in the north of Canada working in the oil patch. takes most of my time. I still managed to Hammer this track out on a few nightshifts tho.
Dec-17-2013 21:53
The Dark NINJA
Supreme tranceaddict
Registered: Dec 2013
Location: Miami, FL
Dec-18-2013 21:09
Supreme tranceaddict
Registered: May 2001
Location: Hollywood....
Dude, what the fuck is with all the alts?
Urban Ninja, Juan Paulino, Ortofon Child etc? I don't give too much for a shit other than it's gets a little confusing to see who is posting what, but you know it's grounds for an IP ban right? That means no more TA.