Since there's three tracks in the post im quoting, it might a little easier to leave comments on all the tracks.
Seandroid: The track is not my style, but I do appreciate the ambition to tell a story, and go somewhere instead of churning out some some boring motif stretched out (w/different drum parts coming and going, and 10min drumroll, or some other stupid build up just to hear the same tired old motif that got stale 8 bars after the song started) to steal 5-10 of my life. I'll have to give it a few more listens to try to get into it, and maybe i can offer a more detailed critique.
TranceLover007: Not really my style either... but a little closer to what I would listen to. I felt your bassline was a little to loud in relationship w/the kick. It sounded a little too upfront, or more approprietly the kick and the claps/hat sound too soft/low in volume.
I liked the sense of space behind all the elements the reverb creates, but the mix feels like it lacks some depth. W/the reverb making everything sound more upfront/closer to the listener, but the relationship between the sounds feel more like differences in volume w/out much of a sense distance, making soundstage sounds a little off in my opinion.
BluffMonkey: This more my style. I would love to hear you develop the idea more. I hear major balance issues. To me, the kick is way too loud. instead of turning the kick down, turn everything else UP! The element/melody that comes in @ :30... barely noticable. I can't really comment on the other aspects of your mix, since I can't hear it. ;p It's stuff worth listening to, but it's hard to enjoy it as much as possible w/that kick stomping all over everything.
quote: | Originally posted by Seandroid
I absolutely love how punchy the bass line is!
I think the synth in the breakdown that starts at 1:30ish is a little too simple. It doesn't have much character. It's too clean.
I'd actually say the latter half of the track is where it starts to lose direction for me. I had hoped it was going to have a huge impact into something powerful and big but it's very gentle.
It works though. And I mean, it depends what your direction was and where you wanted to take it. It could be very purposeful.
That throaty bass line is fucking dope.
Here's what I've got going, I posted an earlier version a while ago but this is approaching full length now.