Divine Angel
Registered: Jun 2001
Location: Mushroom Kingdom
Hmm yeah that's a weird one. You got any examples for us to listen to, it'd be far easier to say if there was a noticeable difference between the two. Also, I'm wondering whether there might be a way you're naming your mixes that would let people know it's vinyl only, as that could explain why there's a difference in positive feedback (likes/shares/views/whatevers), although it does not explain why people would not like vinylonly-sets.
Or I guess I added views onto the bunch on my own, how are views/plays vs regular mixes? if it's the same and it's just the love that's lacking, i dunno...
Do you record through your DVS software when you mix vinyl only, or do you do it "proper" and record in a separate software? I know at least Traktor has a pretty noticeable limiter, and alot of people who r blasted out on molly and don't know sh!t about music really really like the sound of someone just pumping that limiter with the reddest signals you can manage to produce, that might be a reason why less people like it, theyre missing the crappy overlimited then compressed sound.
Also, is your record collection up-to-date? That also might be a reason. Errybody and their grandma has an old chool vinyl only mix æ- congrats! you ain't special!
But yeah, examples would help.
May-13-2019 08:34
Supreme tranceaddict
Registered: Nov 2007
Location: London
There is an electrical hum throughout your vinyl mix, have you grounded your turntables properly? What is your pathway from mixer into your soundcard? Are your cables on your stylus wired correctly and fit tightly?
The Hum is present at 0:00 and can be heard at quiet parts in the mix for example 21:21, 32:05, 44:12, 51:02, 55:33
1999 Mix series
Rare Vinyls spinning on video If you like that sort of thing
May-15-2019 00:38
Hides in Shadow
Suspended User
Registered: Apr 2019
Location: In Deep Space
May-15-2019 06:51
Supreme tranceaddict
Registered: Nov 2007
Location: London
Hopefully the tonearm itself isn't faulty and you can just replace the cart I would try your Elktro on both tonearms to be sure.
The other thing I would say is yesterdays music sounds flat anyway it's very hard to do anything with that it almost sounds too dubby and no clarity but the mix has some good tracks on there
1999 Mix series
Rare Vinyls spinning on video If you like that sort of thing
May-15-2019 11:46
Hides in Shadow
Suspended User
Registered: Apr 2019
Location: In Deep Space
May-15-2019 12:24
Supreme tranceaddict
Registered: May 2001
Location: Hollywood....
I thought you had problems with the super stereo?
Like they fucked you on the deal and it's not working?
And what's a UMX 10? I don't think gemini every made a UMX 10. I think you mean UMX 9 or a PMX 10?
May-22-2019 18:06
Supreme tranceaddict
Registered: May 2001
Location: Hollywood....
I don't get it.
The Super Stereo is made by Formula Sound and I used to work with those guys.
Unless the company got taken over by someone else they were always straight up dependable guys. It's a family business. Have you reached out to them and explained it's never worked? Yes, it'll be a ballache to send it back to my homeland but that's a premium mixer and it should work.
Otherwise they should at least tell you how to fix it.
May-23-2019 17:34
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