A sampler? Drumsynth? Drumachine + Sampler? Drag & Drop in DAW arrangement sample?
After trying out Nerve from XFer I see that its sound engine is unique and gave me the feel of switching drums and using different ones from my favorites using the internal sequencer. No this sin't placebo so dont come with me with that crap, each software has its own DSP code and behaves differently I'm sure you already know.
Since I dont have 200$ laying around or half of that for used on KVR, I'm sticking with a bought version of Audio Realism ADM Drum Machine sampler, its algorithm is different than logic ultra beat which sounds stale with out sampler color that Nerve & ADM bring.
Anyway what are you using for your drums? Battery? Kontakt?
Oct-01-2018 15:46
The Equalizer Womanizer
Registered: Sep 2003
Location: Boston, MA
Loops and one-shots, sequenced in the cubase grid. It's terrible but fast.
I use to do that, damn right its fast especially in logic since I work in 96 Khz everything gets converted in a flick of snap from my what would be your pool window, in logic its called media window.
Oct-01-2018 15:54
We are connected!
Registered: Nov 2001
Location: Never Ever Land
I got the moog dfam for all my drumsounds. Really fun synth to work with!
Slapsself...Reason essentials ain't compatible with latest version of High Sierra, figure its ok to update OS with smaller updates but that is also wrong, shite
Oct-01-2018 21:20
Supreme tranceaddict
Registered: Sep 2010
Location: Washington Coast
Sinewave with some native ableton filters,envelope and Osc tweaks. Really all I do now.
Splice as a sample source, and drum rack or sampler(they are the same thing to a degree tho), processing via whatever, but usually Ableton stock things.
A wise prophet hath once foretold:
Originally posted by stealthman
Vernon Wanderer will rediscover his roots back unto wandering vast endless plains miserably....
Oct-02-2018 15:55
Registered: Sep 2009
Location: Seattle, USA
Originally posted by tehlord
Winning combo
Are you on Ableton already?
I like that freedom with no boundaries, no restrictions, no rules setup by somebody else – it's only me and my music.