RCA & XLR caps for protection agains't Electromagnetic interference, EMI & RFI.
Some my called this placebo effect but even every brand new factory sealed Allen & Heath mixer comes with few a caps to put on naked RCA's to protect again't interference from cellular phones, wifi, and other wireless devices. back then in the 90's electricity was much better I guess more cleaner idk ask your local electrician.
I do have several Allen and heath caps on my line inputs on my DN78 while the techs are connected thru phono.
I also have on XLR cap on my mic input too since I'm not using it.
IMO. its not really a necessity to buy them online because your gonna have to pay for shipping for these little guys but if your mixer comes with pair, please dont throw them out and just plug them in.
My advice, keep audio cables unparrallel with power cords and try to use shortest possible length unbalanced like RCA and going to amp balanced XLR.
Zee basics/
Last edited by SynthNinja on Aug-22-2018 at 02:57