I've never owned the pioneers, just used them a a couple of times - they were fine but I just can't get away from my 7509HD's.
I'm a score mix engineer by trade so probably a bit more picky than most when it comes to detail and response, therfore "DJ" headphones always have sounded too hyped or hifi for me.
I liked the 700's becuase they sounded nice (in a hifi way) but not too much. You could never trust the bass response on them for engineering but they were comfy and gave good isolation, with decent detail.
The 7509HD's were like the 700's more refined bigger brother. great bass response without that big sweep at 250 and the highs are just super clear. I have to be careful if ever using them for production because I hear more with them than I do with my monitors and if you're not careful, you start mixing for minutiae that no one apart from dogs will hear lol. But I suppose that's one of the reasons that I love them for DJ'ing - it's the detail, so if you need to mix for the hats, or some weird rhythmical thing, the detail allows you to pick out that sound.
My only issue is that after 7 years the headband and ear cups started having the faux leather come off, but they're user replaceable and it's really not bad going for that amount of use.
Whether you end up with the Pioneers or the sony's you're in a good place.