Hi, Can anyone recommend a decent upgrade to the following: Alesis M1 actives Mk II (budget £200-£300) Senheizer HD-25s (budget £100-£200)
___________________ ::: IN TRANCE WE TRUST :::
Hi mate, Thanks for the reply - yes, just a bedroom set-up. I'm buying the XDJRX as so much cheaper than separate CDJs and might treat myself to the RMX1000.
p.s. also trying to find some decent USB sticks - quite liking the pioneer 18GB but can't find anywhere that sells them in the UK :S
post edited - Sarah H
Last edited by DJ Sarah H on Jul-18-2015 at 14:22
(quote removed - Sarah H) This isn't the COR. Keep your shit on topic, or I'll ban you myself.
Last edited by DJ Sarah H on Jul-18-2015 at 14:23
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