right above the up fader for channel 1 there is a 3 way toggle switch it says XFA MIX XFB
swing that toggle above channel one towards the XFA Button, that is now side A of the crossfader, XFA = Crossfader A
now look above channel 2..
same thing, set the toggle over to XFB.
thing is, traditionally i work on channels 1 and 4, and especially on the Nuo, because 2 and 3 are MIDI Capable, so it just saves me reconnecting everything later when i decide to plug the computer in.
They're all crazy. Even you. You're all...crazy."
"Even me?" she said.
I thought, "Oh right, if I categorically eliminate all other people, it's just me and her. She'd like that.
"Especially you" I said.
"You are virtually the ring leader, the way I see it."
Then, I blew out the candle.