I like traktor, but i've used virtual dj and had no problems. see if the controller comes bundled with anything(it will come pre-mapped). See if there are controller mappings for your controller before-hand. There are also torrents. there are demos you can download now to see what you like best before hand. look at youtube tutorials for said software.
again find out what exactly you want to do.
what you need. a dj controller with an audio interface so you have atleast 2 channels of audio, a headphone slot so you can monitor your audio before it plays(and cue buttons that activate the monitoring), 2 mixer volume faders or rotary faders, A pre/post or cue knob that will split the audio in your headphones to monitor the premature audio and the post(these are sometimes buttons, and might not be necessary depends on the routing). a start and stop button. 3 eq knobs, even if the controller only has 2 you could map a third one if you're savvy(you dont even really need 3). do you need to control pitch? then a pitch fader. do you want to have the software sync it, then pitch slider not necessary
do you want to do fancy performances with hitting samples and vocals, then you need big square buttons to hit. Do you need hot cues, do you want to microproduce?
dont abuse the gear and it will generally last you long enough to learn on. I bought someone a numark piece of shit for $60 and it was enough to get a great mix going if you know what you're doing. but you're probably better off buying something more durable like the pioneer so you're not dissapointed and laughed on from some idiot.
Last edited by MSZ on May-06-2019 at 20:46