Mr Game+Watch
Luka Luka * Night Fever
Registered: Nov 2002
Location: Long Island, NY
Aug-01-2014 13:39
Registered: Not Yet
I wish I could participate, but all I have is my vinyl collection. I can't DJ digitally atm due to the lack of a soundcard.
Aug-01-2014 14:01
Sand Leaper
Tension hunter
Registered: Jul 2001
Location: Oslo, Norway
quote: | Originally posted by ziptnf
I didn't specify in the original post (adding now) but is this too obscure of a genre? I'd like if someone else were to verify that this isn't too specific. I'm slightly suspicious.
I think the "NY" prefix is needed simply to distinguish the genre "hard house" a bit, as it can refer to somewhat different types of music in different regions of the world. In the UK, for instance, hard house is associated with Tidy Boys, Tripoli Trax and the rest of the church of Tony de Vit...
..whereas in the US, it's associated with the likes of DJ Bam Bam and Mark V & Poogie Bear, who pretty much only focused on beating the shit out of their 909s:
So narrowing the field a bit is definitely needed when suggesting "hard house".
I won't sign up to mix just yet, as I'm not quite sure if I'll have time to participate in the coming months.
"Wenn du dich zum Untergrund zählst, reicht es nicht, es nur zu sagen. Du musst auch viel graben, um es zu werden."
Aug-01-2014 15:49
Sand Leaper
Tension hunter
Registered: Jul 2001
Location: Oslo, Norway
quote: | Originally posted by Mr Game+Watch
Sand Leaper - yup the examples you've shown of Hard House are more of the Chicago style (DJ Bam Bam, DJ Deeon)... the NY style is heavily tribal-influenced, though with more screeching divas and extended drum buildups. Junior Vasquez, Jonathan Peters, Razor N Guido - are the big names in this genre. |
Heh, that's the first time I've ever heard the term "hard house" used about Junior Vasquez and all that Twilo-inspired percussion thwacking that TRIBAL America and Twisted put out. I always thought this was where the term "tribal house" first originated, but oh well. Goes to show how little I kept tabs on that stuff.
"Wenn du dich zum Untergrund zählst, reicht es nicht, es nur zu sagen. Du musst auch viel graben, um es zu werden."
Aug-01-2014 20:26
Registered: Sep 2003
Location: Manchester
Aug-01-2014 22:34
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