This is the dance.
Registered: Jan 2009
Location: Marijuana Sex Camp
I think this thread...
...could be merged with this thread:
I'll go ahead and erase my posts in the second thread. Great idea, sorry about the mess, and most importantly, thanks. Regardless of what you decide, I'll keep out of both, from now on.
EDIT: Also, sorry I completely missed this, earlier. I'd have totally preferred to use this solution had I been paying attention. I think it's a great idea, too.
[I don't consider those two the same, as the second one is asking about creating a specific effect vs. the first one just looking for generic effects. However, JBJ has linked to an actual duplicate in the first case, so I'll deal with that when I get home. -DG]
[Update: Having had more time to read through the questions and answers, I really don't think that any of the answers to the old thread actually answer the new question, which is specific to FL Studio. In order for this de-duping not to cause chaos, the threads really have to address exactly the same subject. I'm going to clarify this above soon. - DG]
Now with extra singles!
my old stuff, not quite up to snuff - but I still dig it - UPDATED 9/23/2012
Last edited by DigiNut on Mar-02-2011 at 22:38
Mar-02-2011 05:36
is actually a guy.
Registered: May 2006
Location: Sydney, Australia
Thanks for making this thread mate, totally agree with everything you've said. Although this board is old, I note that IDM forums has much better layouts and organisation going on, they have tags, more subforums, and a bunch of other cool stuff we don't. If they're on the same system as us, can we get some of that stuff too? It'd go a long way to improving things around here. I think even gearslutz might have tags now, so we're a fair way behind.
My first complaint is about the stickies, can we rearrange how they work a bit? It would help if there were maybe only 2-3 of them (one about remix comps doesn't probably help that much) and if they were in a bigger font (I didn't notice you'd even posted this thread at first).
More importantly, I noticed that the tutorial master list hasn't been updated since 2009, would it be an idea to start a thread to get people's input as to what should be in there? I'm sure a lot of people have links to good tutes and threads saved, and these could be leveraged to build a better list IMO.
Lastly, I was wondering if we could get a sticky linking to common topics (like mastering, software vs hardware etc) and if those single threads could hold the debates about those topics. This would clear up a lot of the clutter and make things run smoother IMO. If any thread about mastering could be merged back into the sticky, it would clear up a lot of the problems we've been having with duplication.
[1. We're on a much older version of vBulletin that's been rev-locked by heavy customization, so I doubt we can do those things. 2. I unstuck one yesterday, agree about the remix comps since it hasn't turned out the way people obviously hoped. As for fonts, I don't know how to do that and don't think it's possible. 3. I've always asked people to send recommendations for updates to the tutorial master list. You can make a new thread if you want, or just post in there. 4. Those should go in the FAQ, I just need actual links. -DG]
New Mix: March 2010 Promo
Last edited by DigiNut on Mar-02-2011 at 14:50
Mar-02-2011 11:58
Suspended User
Registered: Feb 2011
I have a wish about the stickies too.
COuld we combine the three threads Tutorial Master List, Recomended books, Music Producion FAQ, into one, and maybe fix them up a litte, removing old links, making it a little easier for a noob to go through.
im glad you removed the album thing, and remixes as a sticky; those are just normal threads. the less stickies the better.
edit: code of conduct could be included in the merged thread too imo. just a thread called "PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING".
[I had actually planned to merge the FAQ and tutorials. However, it just takes a ridiculous amount of time to maintain those given the tools available (mainly, a textarea with BBCode). If someone wants to volunteer, then by all means... otherwise it's kind of a low priority (but I agree on the concept).
As for the rules, I think those should stay separate; there's a point of diminishing returns; the more information you throw at somebody, the less they're going to want to pay attention. It's really important for people to know the rules, and less important for them to read the tutorials. -DG]
Last edited by DigiNut on Mar-02-2011 at 22:14
Mar-02-2011 17:19
Registered: Jul 2010
I have a suggestion about adding subs into the tutorial list for tips tricks and hints about using different daws, 1 for Ableton, 1 for Logic, 1 for Cubase, etc etc which we could all add and input to. This may then stop daw spicific questions being raised like for example "how do I do multiband sidechaining in Ableton?" as the answer would be in the list already.
Then if any questions do arise in the main forum that are not in the lists, and get answered, the answer could then be moved into the appropriate daw sub-section and put in as a tip or what ever to create a big resource list.
Just a thought..
[If the request is for generic miscellaneous "tips and tricks" threads then I'll have to politely decline - those threads invariably end up being inscrutable monsters of use to no one.
Sections in the tutorial thread - absolutely, if we have enough content to actually section off. If you think something should be added, post it in the thread or PM me; if it's worthy of adding then it will happen. -DG]
Last edited by DigiNut on Mar-02-2011 at 22:25
Mar-02-2011 21:44
is actually a guy.
Registered: May 2006
Location: Sydney, Australia
Mar-12-2011 10:42
Suspended User
Registered: Feb 2011
quote: | Originally posted by diginut
[I had actually planned to merge the FAQ and tutorials. However, it just takes a ridiculous amount of time to maintain those given the tools available (mainly, a textarea with BBCode). If someone wants to volunteer, then by all means... otherwise it's kind of a low priority (but I agree on the concept). |
well just by combining them shouldnt be that much work?
The Tutorial "Master List" & Music Production FAQ. the contect can be edited in the future. and maybe unstick the books and link it inside the new combined thread? would tidy up this place a little and shouldnt be much work at all in the first step. when actually updating the content of it it will be work though.
[Having one massive monolithic FAQ only guarantees that no one will read it. What we actually really need are separate threads for each of the FAQs/tutorial subjects - that way the actual FAQ/tutorial thread can be kept short and sweet. All of this takes time, though, and I don't think a half-assed approach really benefits anyone.
I'll see what I can do about the books thread, but the FAQ and Tutorials, that's got to be done properly if it's going to be done at all. -DG]
Last edited by DigiNut on Mar-15-2011 at 00:20
Mar-14-2011 22:40
Supreme tracneaddict
Registered: Feb 2005
Location: The Netherlands
Mar-22-2011 17:11
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Registered: Feb 2011
Mar-22-2011 22:11
Zak McKracken
Registered: Jun 2003
Mar-28-2011 06:41
Senior tranceaddict
Registered: Jan 2011
Location: London, UK
hello moderator
I consider these responses a little odd....Flame/bait it looks
like to me. Completely useless comments in a web forum dedicated to
all things regarding trance music. It's not a forum about how to use computers or Typing. My style of message typing works well...it gets a point across.
This is just ONE tiny example of the flaming/baiting i have had to suffer on this trance forum, since joining it.
This forum really does contain some very unfriendly communication(s)
and persuits.
Please warn these users to keep comments to the subject of trance music or don't comment. Simle as that. Tell them not to make random
useless un-informative dribble inside important threads.
[I'm not seeing anything particularly damning in there, certainly nothing worthy of a suspension or even a warning. If somebody criticizes you for not communicating clearly, that may indeed be unfriendly and perhaps a little rude, but it is not hostile or abusive, and people who can't tolerate any criticism are ultimately no more productive than those who constantly dish it out.
I'm sorry if you're disappointed by this response, but my role here is to intervene when there are severe problems, not to regulate politeness. If you're seeing a long-term pattern of negative behaviour on the part of one particular user, let me know via PM. -DG]
Last edited by DigiNut on Apr-06-2011 at 22:32
Apr-06-2011 01:25
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