Kick: parallel compression then BT 5 band eq, then magnetic II. I tried a slight sausage instead on the kick too, that's fun to use on the classic 808-909 sounds.
Hats: a distortion effect, or an exciter. Sometimes I just take ozone and use the harmonic exciters in there.
Snare: heavy parallel comp in live, or transient master, BT 5 band, then parallel sausage or distortion/bitcrusher/bit reduction, most preferable the highs only at low volume
String sounds: Magnetic II, izotope vinyl, ozone for stereo and M/S control.
Percussive keyboard sounds with quick attacks and quick releases: enveloper in logic, transient master in maschine/guitar rig/etc... eventually a bitcrusher in logic where I disable everything except the fader on the right that I put down a bit to soft-clip without artifacts.
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