Sounds like a good idea to me.
Basically agreeing with everything Demoted has already said, the general info/FAQ sticky would definately be a step in the right direction. Just a few ideas off the top of my head:
*The monster stickies on headphones/Vinyl Vs. CD/Harmonic Mixing should be put into their own seperate sections
*DJing with Ableton/Laptop DJing -> including how to setup your computer with regards to soundcards/how to use a regular mixer (i.e. non-midi) with a laptop etc.
*Which CDJ is right for you (800 vs 200, Pio vs Denon etc)
*Timecode Vinyl section (Serato, Final Scratch, how it works, advantages over vinyl etc)
*Effects Units (i.e. Do I buy a mixer with effects, or a seperate unit, what are the advantages of each unit and how to they differ)
*Mixers -> Could have quite a few sections here; possibly have one section split into price ranges, i.e. what is recommended for people just starting, then at the other end you have your advantages and disadvantages of the high end mixers like Xone's and Nuo's/Rotary vs Linear/possibly a small glossary explaing terms like logarithmic and linear fader curves etc.
*Beatport licencing issues , seen this one pop up a lot!
I'm sure there's loads more I can think of later.