quote: | Originally posted by Freak
M44-7 on technics headshells.
Easy fit if you have some still, or you can buy them pre-installed.
Ignore the marketing guff about competition and being aimed at DMC and scratch jocks...just know that they track very well, are highly skip & feedback resistant (significantly less trouble frequencies than concordes) but without a massive amount of weight required, and the bass response is superb. Output level is also high.
Will be like nite and day between them for you to be honest.
I had a bit of an 'incident' once with someone who is unfortunately an ortofon endorsee and insisted that they must use them in place of my 44-7s which the system was set up for.
Sure enough, in addition to it sounding shite, had significant other issues and then quite predictably I got moaned at for it |
Thanks mate. I don't really care for the skip/track issue so much as it's just my home setup so no giant F1 system to contend with, but the feedback and weight advantages are key to me. I don't want to fuck my vinyl and given my signal chain I want the best frequency response and reproduction that I can lay my grubbies on.
I've only used them a couple of times and liked them but a mate who used to get called up to set up decks for some acts used to swear by them.
It's always the house engineer that gets blamed when the artists fucks something up.