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-- Monitor/Sound Card issue?
Monitor/Sound Card issue?
Was wondering if you guys could possibly lend a hand at helping me resolve this issue.
So, got my first pair of monitors ( they are turned on)
and was psyched to get them up and running but to no avail, they are not.
First thing I did before connecting was to update my drivers on my Focusrite 2I2 (which seemed to update fine)(**side note, my computer is dated and still operating Win7 but the driver update did take or so I think)
I got a pair of RapcoHorizon XLRM to TRS cables and connected them.
Connected the monitors to the soundcard and powered everything on.
(Images displayed below)
Ableton detects the ASIO yet no sound is coming out. I have tried multiple variants of the setup and found nothing out of the norm but still, no sound.
It may be something really dumb but I amnot seeing it.
Any help would be greatly appreciated guys...Thanks
sounds like driver problem.
uninstall and double check through this
after, check if headphones work, if they do, then cable / monitor problem unless you're not selecting the correct outputs in windows/your daw. (if it works with windows general sounds, you're not selecting it correctly in your daw). If nothing works and you cant find/install alternate(older) drivers, check another usb port , check the interface on another computer to check if its borked. but before that, you could try another universal usb type b to a cable if you have one around, but since you have power coming on, doubt its that. I think that should cover all your bases.
Thanks man, gave some of that a try with no luck. Going to do a re install and see.
Where it says driver type at the top of the Ableton preferences, you need to select ASIO, then the Focusrite ASIO driver.
It will look something like this :-
Negative =O( Made sure the card was set on primary as well as recording. Still nodda
Does it work with headphones, and/or can you hear windows system audio via the Focusrite?
Can you also post a picture of your output configuration. Once you select ASIO at the top, your screen should look like the one I posted.
Tried using headphones but now they don't work either.
Oddly enough when I switched over to MME/Direct if I choose headphones, they worked then
Click output configuration, what does it say there? Output's 1&2 should be highlighted.
You might also need to assign the Focusrite in your Windows audio preferences under 'playback devices' and set it as your default playback device. While you're there, go into properties, then advanced and uncheck 'allow applications to take exclusive control of this device' if it's already checked.
Yea man, no luck. Both were highlighted yellow in the output and output.
I am beginning to think it is a soundcard issue, doesnt work
It would seem that way.
It's worth contacting Focusrite as their customer support is excellent.
Agreed, probably my next step. Thanks so much for your time and efforts on this. Really appreciate it!
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