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-- XDJ-RX with RMX1000 >>>

Posted by Turbostella1982 on Dec-01-2015 17:29:

XDJ-RX with RMX1000 >>>

Hi everyone,

I have an XDJ-RX running with some Alesis active monitors. I picked up an RMX1000 a few months ago and have only just round to getting it set up.

I've just realised the XDJ doesn't have a send and return function so am I right in saying I won't be able to record any of the effects from the RXM1000?

The only way I can think how to connect everything is by running the master output's from the XDJ into the RMX and then output from the RMX directly into the speakers :S

I never really took much notice about the XDJ inputs and outputs when I bought this as wasn't really planning on buying the RMX and then thought fuck it and treated myself! Can't believe Pioneer didn't include a send/return function!!!

Posted by DJ Sarah H on Dec-02-2015 13:22:

You are correct in thinking you can connect the RMX-1000 to the Master Output of the XDJ-RX, then you could use both the outputs of the RMX-1000, one output to your amp/speakers and the other to a set of monitors.

If you wanted to record a set from this set up, you could run the second output of the RMX-1000 back to a laptop and record using something like Audacity, which is a free download and is pretty good, I use it myself to record some of my gigs.

I guess the reason that Pioneer did not include a 'send/return' connection is because the XDJ-RX has its own built in effects.

Posted by Turbostella1982 on Dec-02-2015 13:34:


Thanks for this Yes I have audacity but my laptop is so slow! Maybe a good excuse to upgrade lol!

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