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-- Your motivation for buying tracks

Posted by DOOMBOT on Aug-22-2006 17:32:

Your motivation for buying tracks

I just have to laugh at myself when it comes to buying new tunes. Because I find that I go from one extreme to the next and there really is no pattern to what and when I buy something. Last week, for some reason I just had this urge to buy crazy electro and tech house tracks and now this week I find myself buying really beautiful and relaxing trance.

I am happy I buy inconsistantly like this though because I will be able to pick from a wide genre of music when need be. And also, its good to be able to mix a bunch of different styles instead of getting stuck on one. It can only make you a better dj.

Posted by Mr.Mystery on Aug-22-2006 17:51:

I've got everything from progressive house to hardstyle. I don't really see any point in limiting yourself to some style. Good music is good music, regardless of style.

Posted by nchs09 on Aug-22-2006 17:55:

i buy whatever i like....

and that is mostly tribal, progressive house. i never rly search the trance section, progressive trance etc....

the one i find wierd is that i dont search the techno sections, even though i like techno. i think its because i dont spin it. i can see people who like trance, if they want to start soft with progressive or wtvr... makes sense for them to buy it, but for me to buy 120 - 131 bpm tracks and then jump to 140 doesnt make sense.

if that made any sense.

Posted by DOOMBOT on Aug-22-2006 18:47:

Originally posted by nchs09
i buy whatever i like....

and that is mostly tribal, progressive house. i never rly search the trance section, progressive trance etc....

the one i find wierd is that i dont search the techno sections, even though i like techno. i think its because i dont spin it. i can see people who like trance, if they want to start soft with progressive or wtvr... makes sense for them to buy it, but for me to buy 120 - 131 bpm tracks and then jump to 140 doesnt make sense.

if that made any sense.

Yeah it sure does.

I am mainly playing for myself though. I mean, there are a lot of times I play records just because they are good tracks to listen to even though I may not necessarily play them in a set or mix them for a demo.

Posted by Pete K on Aug-22-2006 18:56:

A lot of the times I pay attention to what’s on the charts on Beatport or what others are playing. Obviously if I know the track and like it, 9 out of 10 times I will buy it. The magical thing with Beatport is that once you click on a producer/label/remixer it opens up endless possibilities of genres and other producers. My tastes lately have been along the lines of the tech house/techno anything on Bpitch and so on and so on. I would say the main genres I shop for are tech/electro/deep house and some minimal stuff. I try and get about 15 tracks from each genre in my cart and narrow it down to the 7 I like the most.

Posted by DOOMBOT on Aug-22-2006 19:13:

Originally posted by Pete K
A lot of the times I pay attention to what’s on the charts on Beatport or what others are playing. Obviously if I know the track and like it, 9 out of 10 times I will buy it. The magical thing with Beatport is that once you click on a producer/label/remixer it opens up endless possibilities of genres and other producers. My tastes lately have been along the lines of the tech house/techno anything on Bpitch and so on and so on. I would say the main genres I shop for are tech/electro/deep house and some minimal stuff. I try and get about 15 tracks from each genre in my cart and narrow it down to the 7 I like the most.

Must be nice to have cd turntables.

Posted by nchs09 on Aug-22-2006 19:16:

Originally posted by DOOMBOT
Must be nice to have cd turntables.
no vinyl = ftw

i remember buying 10 bucks per vinyl was ftl, but it was LOTS of fun to go and buy it.

Posted by Pete K on Aug-22-2006 19:24:

Originally posted by DOOMBOT
Must be nice to have cd turntables.

You can probably get a brand new CDJ800 for around $475 now a days. Save up some cash...

Posted by DOOMBOT on Aug-22-2006 19:43:

Originally posted by nchs09
no vinyl = ftw

i remember buying 10 bucks per vinyl was ftl, but it was LOTS of fun to go and buy it.

Hehe, yeah vinyl is fun and I love it so much but its killing my bank account.

Posted by Spirit5 on Aug-22-2006 20:13:

I'm motivated by the feel or atmosphere of the track. It depends on my mood usually. Most of the time i'm in the mood for sublime, melodic trancers and progressive house/trance/breaks tracks. I like to buy tracks that I know will fit in a set, and like to think what tracks would go well together, based on the feel obviously, and the elements of the track, as well as the name of the track. Like if something is about space, i'll try to find spacey tracks with some names that are relevant to the theme. And then if i'm creating a journey, then i'll find a mixture of tracks, with a different feel to them, i.e. a light house track, and then a dark techno track or a rhythmic prog track.

Posted by Danila on Aug-22-2006 20:20:

Originally posted by DOOMBOT
Hehe, yeah vinyl is fun and I love it so much but its killing my bank account.

yeah I started off with TTs and then ended up selling them several months later since had no money to constantly buy Vinyl. Got CDJ's now and music is not an issue anymore.

Posted by DOOMBOT on Aug-22-2006 20:24:

Originally posted by Danila
yeah I started off with TTs and then ended up selling them several months later since had no money to constantly buy Vinyl. Got CDJ's now and music is not an issue anymore.

Well, let's not go too far. I won't be selling my vinyl or my turntables.

Posted by Danila on Aug-22-2006 20:26:

Originally posted by DOOMBOT
Well, let's not go too far. I won't be selling my vinyl or my turntables.

I kept my Vinyl and sold the TTs and will be buying a TT sometime to play my vinyl

Posted by Protege on Aug-22-2006 20:30:

There are some tracks Ill buy and later its like 'why in the world did I buy that track?' But mostly if I like it and I feel like it would go good with another track, Ill buy it.

Posted by brian on Aug-22-2006 21:59:

I tend to buy various kinds, whether it be progressive or electro or hard or what have you. A few years ago I tended to buy just about anything under the sun that caught my ear; now, I still buy different styles, but regardless of the style of any given track, I tend to go for the darker sounding tracks.

Posted by Clovis on Aug-22-2006 22:07:

I get stoned on beatport and end up with like 10 chill-out/electronica tracks that I will probably never mix but they sound nice

Posted by montana on Aug-22-2006 22:12:

bah, beatport for chillout stuff. there is like huge ammounts of netlabels that has chill/experimental/triphop-ambient/you catch my drift, and is giving their stuff away for free.

Posted by Clovis on Aug-22-2006 22:48:

Originally posted by montana
bah, beatport for chillout stuff. there is like huge ammounts of netlabels that has chill/experimental/triphop-ambient/you catch my drift, and is giving their stuff away for free.

I didnt say I buy all of it

Takes me hours to find anything good in almost any genre on beatport. Lots of sifting through pages and pages of Total Wipes.

Posted by Boomer187 on Aug-22-2006 23:15: I listen to this funky house track that will never fit into any of my sets....

Posted by miamitranceman on Aug-23-2006 01:52:

I just go with what sounds good to me. Mostly stay in trance and prog house on beatport, with some occational house and techno.

Posted by nchs09 on Aug-23-2006 02:17:

just finished doing my checkout...... bought 12 songs, and i think ill be able to use them all :P

Posted by Spirit5 on Aug-23-2006 02:29:

I mostly stay in the prog house section on these sites, like Beatport, AudioJelly, DJDownload..I used to go in the trance sections, but I just haven't really been into a lot of the trance being released digitally nowadays. But I think "The Closest Thing To Heaven" by DJ Fire sounds quite good...have to download that one.

Posted by DJ Intrigue on Aug-23-2006 03:02:

My motivation... because I enjoy the tracks, and enjoy them well enough to want to spend my money on. It's that simple for me, and that's always been my bottom line for anything I end up getting. Why buy something if you don't like it, right?

Posted by stevieboy32808 on Aug-23-2006 03:38:

What gets me motivated to buy tracks is knowing that I'll make a mix out of it soon. If I'm not expecting to make a mix then I don't buy any tracks.

How I judge which track I'll buy is a different story. I always avoid buying by impulse or at the heat of the moment. This cuts down on the crappy purchases. First I'll skim through some samples and pick out the tracks I like from the initial response that I felt. Then I listen to each tracks' samples in its entirety instead of skimming through it and if I still like it then it goes in the cart for checkout.

Posted by ChoBo on Aug-24-2006 19:00:

Originally posted by DOOMBOT
Hehe, yeah vinyl is fun and I love it so much but its killing my bank account.

+1! I have to be so selective these days

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