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Posted by Domesty on Nov-08-2014 00:06:

Long time no logo. I'll try to dig in to few.

Originally posted by Innocence Lost
I would like to dedicate this wip to robotrance and storyteller.

Full beat at maximum power

sigh, i still have alooooooooooong way to go,

Dat bass. I feel like the master compression on the sub bass track could be tuned down a bit. It punches maybe little too much. Cant really tell of these headphones could be sitting just fine aswell. Other bass lines are nice. The filter delays on the sawy synth effect are spot on.

But as Richard said, the kick feels very dry and not sitting that well overall. However I'm not that good at telling people how to do kicks as i most of the time i use single samples with some tweaking
AT least to get started.

Overall good stuff mate! wanna see some more chord progression badly though!

Originally posted by Richard Butler

Nice groove in this one! Love those percs, as you really dont hear that kind of drums anywhere anymore.

Trying just to get the arrangement down. Chorus is written but breakdown is yet to come T_T The kick seems have too much tail i guess. The bass is also kinda a placeholder. Really needs some work tho.

Posted by JPaulizle on Nov-08-2014 14:59:

Originally posted by Robotrance
intro is fucking awesome!!! make that 1 minute repeat for 6 minutes and you have a winner.

here something im working on

That is sick, sounds futuristic film/game stuff. Good work bro.

Posted by evo8 on Nov-08-2014 22:01:

Originally posted by Robotrance
intro is fucking awesome!!! make that 1 minute repeat for 6 minutes and you have a winner.

here something im working on


Posted by Richard Butler on Nov-09-2014 16:35:

Originally posted by Domesty

Very nice melodic work and good sounding synths as ever with you - you get a nice room sound on those synths, quite a talent.

Kik is not to my liking, juts out too much, not embedded and too wooden, but this could well be just my own taste talking. Get that right and you have a track.

Posted by Richard Butler on Nov-09-2014 16:41:

Originally posted by Robotrance

here something im working on

Good sounds here and imaginative game scoring. Nice drum work. When you finish this try not to make it too repetitive, vary things up quite a bit for example with little 2 bar flutey phrases perhaps.

Posted by Richard Butler on Nov-09-2014 16:52:

A techno track I've just about done with. Any thoughts afore I send it out?

Posted by evo8 on Nov-09-2014 17:10:

Originally posted by Richard Butler
A techno track I've just about done with. Any thoughts afore I send it out?

Rich, the drums seem a bit louder than the rest of the track? as a result theres nothing really standing out driving the track along

Posted by Richard Butler on Nov-09-2014 17:20:

Cheers, I've been influenced by drum based techno lately where not a lot else is going on. All about the drums and bass pounding along. Love or hate thing I reckon.

Posted by AlphaStarred on Nov-09-2014 19:42:

Originally posted by Richard Butler
A techno track I've just about done with. Any thoughts afore I send it out?

Everything sounds nice but the kick and the clap, imo. Clap sounds too artificial (might be my partiality towards a 909 clap) and not very suited to the atmosphere of the track, which is very nice. Very nice progression as well, and vocals complement the track well. Might use a kick and clap more suitable for dub techno, however, as the ambiance of the track suggests.

Posted by Richard Butler on Nov-10-2014 10:57:

Originally posted by AlphaStarred
Everything sounds nice but the kick and the clap, imo. Clap sounds too artificial (might be my partiality towards a 909 clap) and not very suited to the atmosphere of the track, which is very nice. Very nice progression as well, and vocals complement the track well. Might use a kick and clap more suitable for dub techno, however, as the ambiance of the track suggests.

Cheers, would you believe that artificial sounding clap was made by yours truly by recording my own hands clapping! The whole reason I did a live recorded clap was because all the samples and synth made claps I tried sounded too artificial. I'm not entirely happy with it and your post has prompted me to explore the clap again.

Now this kick thang, grrrrrr, we all seem to struggle with this, I spent a lot of time making it, I wanted it too sound kinda dusty and small yet with a decent thud. What sort of kick did you have in mind for this? I notice a lot of recent techno employs this sort of dusty not too 'big' kick.

Glad you liked the general atmosphere, I always strive for atmosphere above all else.

Posted by Richard Butler on Nov-10-2014 11:19:

Originally posted by Robotrance
i really love it.
it has a little too long breaks here and there but the groove is fantastic!
and great sounding too, so easy on the ears
i would drink to this

Cheers - that was my aim all round, personally I don't think I've ever made a better mix, I was after a rounded easy on the ear tonality.

Breaks I had a feeling needed to be more interesting, will look at them with a fresh mind.

Glad you enjoyed, tbh my mates don't like techno but I find it touches something tribal within me, I don't always need melody.

Posted by evo8 on Nov-10-2014 13:15:

@ Rich - i quite like the kick, sounds kinda synthy - however i think its missing a bit of snap so i would blend in a little "snap" from another kick, not so much that it overpowers the original kick but just to bring the whole kick up front a little more

Posted by AlphaStarred on Nov-10-2014 14:21:

Originally posted by Richard Butler
Cheers, would you believe that artificial sounding clap was made by yours truly by recording my own hands clapping! The whole reason I did a live recorded clap was because all the samples and synth made claps I tried sounded too artificial. I'm not entirely happy with it and your post has prompted me to explore the clap again.

Interesting. Perhaps artificial wasn't the right word - it doesn't blend very well with the other sounds, I think. It's not bad, but perhaps there is something more suitable out there for the track as a whole.

What sort of kick did you have in mind for this? I notice a lot of recent techno employs this sort of dusty not too 'big' kick.

Perhaps a fuller kick, something with more thud or boom. Either something more driving or more minimal, like a 606 kick, perhaps. Perhaps something you'd hear in dub techno or a progressive trance track. The kick you use is more housey, but the atmosphere is more progressive or techno-ish.


Glad you liked the general atmosphere, I always strive for atmosphere above all else.

Atmosphere is great, I think perhaps percussion should make it more driving or minimal rather than funky, as the kick and clap seem to make it.

Posted by Domesty on Nov-10-2014 18:16:

Originally posted by AlphaStarred
Perhaps a fuller kick, something with more thud or boom. Either something more driving or more minimal, like a 606 kick, perhaps. Perhaps something you'd hear in dub techno or a progressive trance track. The kick you use is more housey, but the atmosphere is more progressive or techno-ish.

Yeah I agree. Go big on the kick OR make it even more housey-like with a little nice warmish tail (there seems certainly to be room for it). Not too familiar with the kicks with this style though, as you said these kind of kicks are used nowadays?

As robo said you could try to push the drive and bring some elements further in front. Like the bit-crushed carry is nice REALLY cool but it just doesn't do the trick for me. It could do with little fatter sound, but it gets kinda gets lost.

The clap does kinda work, and good perc work as expected from you! Really dig the groove. Expecting to hear more of this.

Posted by JPaulizle on Nov-10-2014 21:01:

For only them homies with decent taste LOL

Track is in phase 1. Started it in hour ago. Will add crashes, white noise, sweeps, 1 high end pad, 1 sequence effect than hit climax, outro, done.

Posted by JPaulizle on Nov-11-2014 00:29:

Ok i'm outro, now bring climax again or go straight drummin tech style? no clue and mixdown/eq is raw, yall know i can do better, lazy.

Posted by Storyteller on Nov-11-2014 08:40:

2:27 to 2:57 is interesting. Rest is same old same old.

Posted by JPaulizle on Nov-11-2014 08:55:

Originally posted by Storyteller
2:27 to 2:57 is interesting. Rest is same old same old.

Thanks..Anything you can point out so i can improve upon?

Posted by TranceElevation on Nov-11-2014 08:58:

Come on Paulino, time to send that shit to Armin.

Posted by JPaulizle on Nov-11-2014 08:59:

Originally posted by TranceElevation
Come on Paulino, time to send that shit to Armin.

I did it really fast just for my dj sets, no thanks.

How about some pointers from your end, that would be helpful.

Posted by Storyteller on Nov-11-2014 09:07:

Originally posted by JPaulizle
Thanks..Anything you can point out so i can improve upon?

Make it more interesting. Not just wooshes, uplifters and whatnot. The parts that don't serve a purpose or work towards something should be taken out imo. Which is pretty much everything between 1 min and 2:27. Give or take 15-30 seconds to get in the mood before dropping in the orchestrated part.

Posted by TranceElevation on Nov-11-2014 09:10:

My advice is: think, analyze, meditate

Think, analyze, meditate again. Don't be easily satisfied with yourself. Be a perfectionist.

edit: and of course practice. Take it as a journey. If it ain't funny you're doing something wrong. It should be a pleasant trip.

Posted by JPaulizle on Nov-11-2014 09:14:

Thanks a lot homies. Will focus more on what more important and try take the listener on the most depthful journey possible.

ok one last thing..

I'm ready to dive in Hanz Zimmer territory. too bad L4C is not here to help.

How and what do I need to replicate this acoustic/orchrestated part?

Reverse violin or cello?

Posted by Storyteller on Nov-11-2014 09:27:

No reverese anything. Sounds like staccato. And proper orchestra soundbanks/plugins, no clue which.

Posted by JPaulizle on Nov-11-2014 09:33:

ok, that helps. I'm sure i'll find it in either kontakt or omnisphere.

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