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Posted by evo8 on May-08-2014 19:42:

Originally posted by Storyteller
Listening while working in the office .

@evolve140: Nice deephousey sound. Mix seems tight on headphones. You have a lot of variations going on but I'd personally like to hear a bit mnore variation with the bass by (perhaps) leaving it out here and there.

@Paulino: It feels really uncomfortable from the 30second mark and as soon as the bassline comes in at the one minute mark that is confirmed even more. If you'd leave out the pads or change the key that will most likely be solved instantly. This problem keeps rearing its head throughout the entire track unfortunately. Furthermore I miss tension build ups to make the music exciting. After every break the kick just drops in out of the blue.

I've been making some music with a good friend yesterday:

yeah liking this man, nice feel

Posted by Evolve140 on May-09-2014 02:12:

Pretty fun and bouncey techno. would sound good in a big room

Posted by PaULiN0 on May-09-2014 02:28:

Thanks guys you helped a lot...really. Will try to change things around and a more warmer and comfortable feel to it.

Posted by StarsInAutumn on May-09-2014 05:58:


This has a really solid rhythm to it. Excellent mixing as well. I honestly don't have anything to add to it.

I'm trying to make some progressive/bigroom trance ala stuff released on Lunary Records, Captivating Sounds, etc. I mainly have two questions about my WIP. What can I do to clean up the mix and is there any element missing or out of place that would not make this prog trance?


Posted by theterran on May-09-2014 12:07:


I'm trying to make some progressive/bigroom trance ala stuff released on Lunary Records, Captivating Sounds, etc. I mainly have two questions about my WIP. What can I do to clean up the mix and is there any element missing or out of place that would not make this prog trance?


Mid/Low end sounds a bit muddy around 4:11, probably due to the excessive verb. Saying this because it sounded relatively clean up until this point.

Might try nipping the low-end (light hi-pass) on the reverb or tone it back slightly.

Also nice that you refrained from totally brickwalling the track like most people do. Kinda irritating how common it is now.

And as far as whether this is progressive or not *shrug*, can call it whatever you want really. Trance sub-genre's kinda blur together. I'd call it more "Trance" trance. When I think "Progressive", I think Kaskade, Armin, Above and Beyond etc...but again the sub-genre thing can be up for interpretation.

my 2cents. Gl with the track.

Posted by evo8 on May-09-2014 12:40:

Originally posted by StarsInAutumn
This has a really solid rhythm to it. Excellent mixing as well. I honestly don't have anything to add to it.

I'm trying to make some progressive/bigroom trance ala stuff released on Lunary Records, Captivating Sounds, etc. I mainly have two questions about my WIP. What can I do to clean up the mix and is there any element missing or out of place that would not make this prog trance?


i really dont like that lead and it is taking up so much space in the track - all the drums are just swamped out

Posted by theterran on May-09-2014 12:51:

Originally posted by Vernon Wanderer
Here is the only worthy WIP in the past 6 months, somehow the inspiration is just gone.

My main question is if the cello is out of sync? It seems out of sync to me, but i just can't find a way to fit it in properly. Maybe i should throw it out

Originally posted by Trancelover03591
I think the cello sounds out of sync because a cello sound often has a slow attack better for playing long notes. I am guessing the synth/sample you are using for the cello has a slow attack and doesn't adapt to shorter notes like what play in your song. If a person (rather than a synth/sample) was playing it live they would adapt their method of playing to create a faster attack on the notes (as in a piece like Bach's Cello suite no. 1 prelude). Also I think the cello should be turned up a bit (if you still use it). I think I get the vibe you are going for with the track. Maybe too many elements playing in the same frequencies is making it a bit muddy? Maybe some panning would help.

If it's possible to synch the notes individually you might try turning off any snapping and do so that way. Stringed instruments are kinda funny like that.

I think balance is more of an issue than muddyness. Track seems clear enough. Just weird mixing. Seems like it wants to be an ambient/laid back track but the beat is way up front on top of everything else, overbearingly so. Chorusy bits are quasi underneath and then the cello is simply lost.

Would try : Slightly more stereo to the "string section" and bring volume up slightly. Figure out whether or not you want the cello to be the main centerpiece of the track. If so, bring it up in volume and add some variations throughout the theme. Give a little bit of stereo to the plucked harmony and duck it slightly. Either drop the drums volume or bring everything else up to match.

Intrigued by the concept of adding a cello into electronic music...(I'm a cellist) Might have to buy a pick-up for my bubenreuth and try this someday...

And why does everyone always bring up the Bach Prelude from suite 1? The prelude from suite 3 is clearly superior... :P

Gl with this track, it's interesting. Could be cool.

Posted by Andy28 on May-09-2014 19:53:

Originally posted by Storyteller

Reminds me a hell of a lot like xpress 2 which really isn't a bad thing at all.. I like it!

Posted by SherlockCrash on May-09-2014 22:43:

Originally posted by StarsInAutumn
This has a really solid rhythm to it. Excellent mixing as well. I honestly don't have anything to add to it.

I'm trying to make some progressive/bigroom trance ala stuff released on Lunary Records, Captivating Sounds, etc. I mainly have two questions about my WIP. What can I do to clean up the mix and is there any element missing or out of place that would not make this prog trance?


I think it is nice. I like all the elements in there. Im no master at mixing and I am quite drunk atm but in my present state of mind it definetely works. It brings something different.

Posted by StarsInAutumn on May-09-2014 23:06:

@theterran Thanks for the advice. I'll clean up the mid low stuff.

The reason why I didn't just brickwall it is because it's not a master, it just has enough gain on it to where the peaks are barely touching my limiter's threshold. When I attempt my crappy master it'll have compression on it (although I don't put a lot on as I'm terrible at mastering).

@evo8 I personally like the lead, but I'm a sucker for electro. It is too loud though.
@SherlockCrash Thanks for the compliment, I'm glad you like it.

Posted by PaULiN0 on May-10-2014 00:48:

you are my shining star...

Posted by PaULiN0 on May-10-2014 00:52:

alright optics, here we go, made a few changes to bass and climax lead but sstill couldn't get it fit harmonically, i dont know what thriilseekers did on the synth part,s ome help would be cool!

Next up new track from bass station 2

Posted by soulstar606 on May-10-2014 04:42:

Originally posted by SherlockCrash
I think it is nice. I like all the elements in there. Im no master at mixing and I am quite drunk atm but in my present state of mind it definetely works. It brings something different.

I'm not a big room fan but this sounds big roomy to me, good job

Posted by theterran on May-10-2014 07:34:

Originally posted by PaULiN0
alright optics, here we go, made a few changes to bass and climax lead but sstill couldn't get it fit harmonically, i dont know what thriilseekers did on the synth part,s ome help would be cool!

Next up new track from bass station 2

It's not the synths, it's the piano. (synths are slightly dischorded but in an acceptable range) It's reasonably muddled but the piano sounds like A base note with D6 + some other note dischorded.

It's that chorded note with D really mucking it up and it probably wouldn't sound good by itself either.

Underlying synth pads or w/e sound like they are C6 + B5 + A5 (+/- an octave), Try the piano on notes G5 / A5 / C6 / D6 / E6 in whatever order pleases you.

Can maybe piece together an example of this vague suggestion if you so desire, but it's quite hard to hear exactly what's going on without really being able to see the chord structure or synch up something on top of it. But playing the above mentioned notes on my piano in pretty much w/e order sounded reasonably right on top of the track.

Suggesting to try fixing piano, simplify the piano to single notes and listen again before trying to chord it. If still not jiving, maybe ditch the piano.

Hope that helps =/

Posted by PaULiN0 on May-10-2014 07:43:

You rock bro, will try to fix it up later and see what i can do. Thank for taking the time to help me out man.

I'm down for a sample if you have time, this is one of my all time favorite tracks and it would be cool to hear others take interest in it homey.

Posted by PaULiN0 on May-10-2014 07:53:

Originally posted by theterran
Try the piano on notes G5 / A5 / C6 / D6 / E6 in whatever order pleases you.

That will def make it a true remix, what i have here is a rework.

Posted by theterran on May-10-2014 09:09:

Originally posted by PaULiN0
That will def make it a true remix, what i have here is a rework.

Not quite sure I get what you mean, or what the goals for the track are. I did take the time to listen to the original, and it's quite nice. (Synaesthesia was a favorite of mine back in the day)

Was a slight pain trying to sync up my midi along with the soundcloud stream for fiddling around, but I found the basic notes/progressions that seems to mesh nicely with the track. Started with simple 4 bar pattern, added some variation and then a more complex pattern at the end. Nothing fancy by any means (not my track anyway :P), but hopefully is helpful in hearing more possible "in-tune" piano progressions.

Sync'd at around 2:00 mark. Didn't seem too bad to make the piano jive, though it really didn't like any kind of additional chords. Could probably make them work but straight note progression would probably be the best bet if you plan on using piano.

Weird thing is, though it seems like the key is Gmaj, F# seems a rather sour note, so I'd steer away from it.

Posted by PaULiN0 on May-10-2014 09:13:

Darn that variation is killer, good job. I don't want to steal it but i'll come with my own. I want to impress steve hellstrip (thrillseekers) and get the vocals so i can put over the track. i know i'm not ready yet.

Posted by theterran on May-10-2014 10:50:

Couldn't sleep, so here's something I've been working on for a good while. Any time I was pissed, I'd work on the content of this track. Was good stress relief.

Comments/Crits welcome.

Some background TL;DR :

Feels like I'm close. The mix is still fighting me though...was too reliant on using a multiband on the master bus when the track was made and undoing any of it is tedious. Arps still not sitting quite right.

Inb4 "Nexus bit stylez". Close, but not bit stylez, Init Sylenth1 modelled pluck with bit-crusher and nifty reverb. (much better)

Piano IS Nexus though (Nexus has sexy pianos) and solo was actually played improv on my Yammy K61. No quantizing after the break or nuttin'. Quite fun really, would recommend trying improv. playing on trance tracks.

Quasi james bond chords on the pads...oh well, they fit. Went for more baroque style chord structure. Minor and dark.

Posted by evo8 on May-10-2014 12:12:

Originally posted by theterran
Couldn't sleep, so here's something I've been working on for a good while. Any time I was pissed, I'd work on the content of this track. Was good stress relief.

Comments/Crits welcome.

Some background TL;DR :

Feels like I'm close. The mix is still fighting me though...was too reliant on using a multiband on the master bus when the track was made and undoing any of it is tedious. Arps still not sitting quite right.

Inb4 "Nexus bit stylez". Close, but not bit stylez, Init Sylenth1 modelled pluck with bit-crusher and nifty reverb. (much better)

Piano IS Nexus though (Nexus has sexy pianos) and solo was actually played improv on my Yammy K61. No quantizing after the break or nuttin'. Quite fun really, would recommend trying improv. playing on trance tracks.

Quasi james bond chords on the pads...oh well, they fit. Went for more baroque style chord structure. Minor and dark.

its just too weird for me this track

Posted by Deillon on May-10-2014 16:36:

Originally posted by theterran
Inb4 "Nexus bit stylez". Close, but not bit stylez, Init Sylenth1 modelled pluck with bit-crusher and nifty reverb. (much better)

Still sounds like a nexus preset. Don't know why you would put effort in recreating something that sounds bad anyways.

Posted by theterran on May-11-2014 06:01:

Originally posted by Deillon
Still sounds like a nexus preset. Don't know why you would put effort in recreating something that sounds bad anyways.

Well you know what they say about opinions...

Cheers for the listen anyway.

Posted by jf2010 on May-11-2014 21:19:

Originally posted by StarsInAutumn
This has a really solid rhythm to it. Excellent mixing as well. I honestly don't have anything to add to it.

I'm trying to make some progressive/bigroom trance ala stuff released on Lunary Records, Captivating Sounds, etc. I mainly have two questions about my WIP. What can I do to clean up the mix and is there any element missing or out of place that would not make this prog trance?


Listened to this the other day and forgot to comment! .. Nice track, not sure if im into the main section with the big lead but that is just preference though .. it does sound like something Schulz might play I really like the prog sections u have like from 5.11 onwrds + at the start of the track too

Posted by jf2010 on May-11-2014 21:20:

New uplifting WIP .. any feedback welcome

Posted by evo8 on May-12-2014 18:11:

Originally posted by jf2010
New uplifting WIP .. any feedback welcome

i like your stuff cos its kinda edgy and reminds of the late 90s stuff

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