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Posted by Trancelover03591 on Apr-03-2014 15:21:

Originally posted by Storyteller
Thanks for the feedback on my tiny soundbyte guys!

Oof, I love that original track (quickly downloaded the stems just now to remove the forced likes and application access right afterwards). Although I don't think it is quite what they're looking for in the remix competition the track sounds okay. At around the 3:50 mark I do expect more of a climax than I hear now, maybe build some more anticipation and tension there before the climax?

Mixwise I feel the energy that is in the music is absent in the beats. Overall quite well mixed but it just needs more punch in my opinion.

I would be interested to see you do an entry since you like the original, there is still time to enter!

Originally posted by scorpradio
Overall, I see where your going on this track. I actually dig the groove as it is constant and moving (for the most part).
There are certain areas of the arrangement that stick out in the mix a bit to much imo , but for the most part the mix is solid. There is a slight muddiness to the mix but that could very well be remedied or maybe its your artistic imprint. Either way, it has alot of clean elements.
Nice Work !!

I wish the muddiness was a creative decision but it is just a weakness in my mixing/sound design tbh.

Originally posted by evo8
would like the kick to have more thump

@storyteller, not much to go on so hard to judge :-/

I am not very adept at choosing kicks!

Thanks for the feedback guys, kind of confirms my thoughts on the song. Still some weaknesses in my production but with some improvements overall I hope.

Posted by Storyteller on Apr-03-2014 16:15:

Originally posted by Trancelover03591
I would be interested to see you do an entry since you like the original, there is still time to enter!

Maybe. I don't think the original can be improved much though .

Posted by Trancelover03591 on Apr-03-2014 17:21:

Originally posted by Storyteller
Maybe. I don't think the original can be improved much though .

I thought taking it in a different direction entirely would make remixing it more worthwhile. The contest rule page says they are open to different interpretations.

Posted by evo8 on Apr-03-2014 22:59:

Originally posted by beamrider
Hi there,

This is a short preview for the latest track I was working on. It's kind of an uplifting/tech/acid stuff.

Any comments will be appreciated


your supposed to post feedback on the latest track in the thread before looking for feedback on your own - the rules are on page 1

Posted by beamrider on Apr-04-2014 01:32:

didn't know it, BTW page 1 of 138 it's too much to read

I'll give feedback to the last track posted

Posted by theterran on Apr-04-2014 02:10:

Originally posted by evo8
your supposed to post feedback on the latest track in the thread before looking for feedback on your own - the rules are on page 1

Yeah...nobody did that for my track...less hypocrisy in this thread please. Not that I mind...Just silly to get after someone about that.

Simple solution : Don't post any feedback for him. End-of, problem solved.

Posted by Trancelover03591 on Apr-04-2014 02:16:

Originally posted by theterran
Still working on finding/making some sound FX for more flavor. (it's so haaaard finding good FX)

Everything mostly dialed in to just past the main build.

Sound design is really good to me. Overall it sounds very nice. My main advice would be to give more variation. the main theme seems to repeat through out the track right now.

Posted by theterran on Apr-04-2014 02:34:

Originally posted by Trancelover03591
The main theme seems to repeat through out the track right now.

Appreciate the feedback as always Trancelover, though my previous comment wasn't meant as a childish jab at getting someone to post on my "overlooked" track. (thanks for making me feel bad now :P) I just think berating someone for something silly like that in a 130+ page threadnaught where not everyone is adhering to original rules anyway is well... silly.

Lack of feedback isn't quite as good as feedback, but it's still motivation to push harder...

As to what you posted, that is a decision I'm struggling with. For active listening, yeah it's kinda bad/boring. But when under particular influences and just lost in my own head, it's kinda nice to have the repetition with the slow filter modulation. The pads could probably use an 8 bar alteration, and maybe the arps...The bass i'd like to keep droney, and ducking it to the back might cut down on the sameyness.

Tried to use filtering and subtle sweeps as well as a varied drum-kit to hold interest until the build, though it's not such a cut and dry hook.

With the intended sameyness...what would really do it is some proper sound FX tastefully laced into it, and I'm still in the process of hunting something suitable down, though it's proving difficult to find any reasonably good soundFX samples, let alone make my own. lead/bass/arp design seems like cakewalk compared to proper SoundFX design.

Anyway, thanks again <3

Posted by Kysora on Apr-04-2014 14:41:

hope you guys don't mind stuff other than trance, I put this together in about an hour and I'm liking it so far, might be the first track I've finished in about 3 years. the structure will probably be different when it's finished, I'm just making sure each component works together for now.

I was going for a Flying Lotus kind of sound at the end with the off-beat percussion line, that's the one part I'm not sure about but I think it sounds pretty good, what do you guys think?

Posted by theterran on Apr-05-2014 02:32:

Originally posted by Kysora

hope you guys don't mind stuff other than trance, I put this together in about an hour and I'm liking it so far, might be the first track I've finished in about 3 years. the structure will probably be different when it's finished, I'm just making sure each component works together for now.

I was going for a Flying Lotus kind of sound at the end with the off-beat percussion line, that's the one part I'm not sure about but I think it sounds pretty good, what do you guys think?

Like the groove of this. The overdriven pad in the back is nice too.

Good sound selection.

The one thing I'd try is maybe some slight seperation for the hi-hats to provide a little space for the mix. Listening with headphones and most of the beat sits dead-center. Really noticeable at 1:15.

Nice overall though, look forward to hearing the final mixdown. Gl.

Posted by evo8 on Apr-05-2014 12:26:

Originally posted by Kysora

hope you guys don't mind stuff other than trance, I put this together in about an hour and I'm liking it so far, might be the first track I've finished in about 3 years. the structure will probably be different when it's finished, I'm just making sure each component works together for now.

I was going for a Flying Lotus kind of sound at the end with the off-beat percussion line, that's the one part I'm not sure about but I think it sounds pretty good, what do you guys think?

quite like this! wasnt really working until the lead sound came in - and then it started to groove nicely
I am hearing a slight harshness in the upper mids, not sure if its the last hat that was brought in maybe?

Posted by evo8 on Apr-05-2014 12:30:

Originally posted by Trancelover03591
Sound design is really good to me. Overall it sounds very nice. My main advice would be to give more variation. the main theme seems to repeat through out the track right now.

@theterran - main flaw for me is the kick doesnt have enough low-end, was waiting for it to drop in but it never happened
The rest of the track is nice, like the arp and the mood of the track

Posted by PaULiN0 on Apr-05-2014 14:20:

Originally posted by Kysora

hope you guys don't mind stuff other than trance, I put this together in about an hour and I'm liking it so far, might be the first track I've finished in about 3 years. the structure will probably be different when it's finished, I'm just making sure each component works together for now.

I was going for a Flying Lotus kind of sound at the end with the off-beat percussion line, that's the one part I'm not sure about but I think it sounds pretty good, what do you guys think?

Awsome sick groove you'v got, like it very much.

Originally posted by Storyteller

For some reason I feel like I should stick to the base and keep it simple with maybe some vocal.

Very warm and soothing, groove is nice as always.

Posted by theterran on Apr-06-2014 14:37:

Originally posted by evo8
@theterran - main flaw for me is the kick doesnt have enough low-end, was waiting for it to drop in but it never happened
The rest of the track is nice, like the arp and the mood of the track

Could probably sneak a little more low-end in there. Still adjusting to my proper monitoring I can actually hear dat bass now.

Overshelving 4tl.

Posted by Richard Butler on Apr-06-2014 16:48:

Originally posted by theterran
Still working on finding/making some sound FX for more flavor. (it's so haaaard finding good FX)

Everything mostly dialed in to just past the main build.

Decent piece of work this mate.

Posted by Richard Butler on Apr-06-2014 16:50:

Originally posted by Trancelover03591
I submitted this to a Vicious Recordings remix competition.

The only thing I used from the original was the vocals. Appreciate any feedback.

I've listened to this a few times and it grew on me. I agree maybe the beats could be a bit better but I love the synths and melody.

Posted by Richard Butler on Apr-06-2014 17:29:

I'm pleased with this WIP so far. Am planning to find and pay a decent vocalist for it.

Any crits welcome.

Posted by PaULiN0 on Apr-06-2014 17:35:

Richard, sounds brilliant man. The piano really adds flavor to the track. Its very warm and nice. Mixing is great.

Posted by Andy28 on Apr-06-2014 20:59:

Originally posted by Trancelover03591
I submitted this to a Vicious Recordings remix competition.

The only thing I used from the original was the vocals. Appreciate any feedback.

For me the vocal kinda spoils your track it just don't seem to go with it. Was never a fan of the original which don't help but I honestly think it would be better without it!

Originally posted by clay
good mix but it really lacks a memorable melody or a hook.


Yeah sorry rich this is far from your best work not feeling this one.

Posted by evo8 on Apr-07-2014 03:11:

Originally posted by Richard Butler
I'm pleased with this WIP so far. Am planning to find and pay a decent vocalist for it.

Any crits welcome.

its ok Richard but ive heard better from you - main criticism from me is that it sounds a bit samey all the way through.....

Posted by theterran on Apr-07-2014 03:31:

Originally posted by Richard Butler
I'm pleased with this WIP so far. Am planning to find and pay a decent vocalist for it.

Any crits welcome.

Big fan of this actually...the "samey-ness" is not at all a bad thing for what this track seems to be.

It's quite enjoyable to listen to. Really like all of the subtlety. Release at 1:20 was nice. The fact that it's so laid back makes it nice to chill/zone out to

Takes me back to older drum and bass. I had a massive playlist of tracks of this nature.

Med-hi's/hi's were a little intense, had to turn it down . (dubbed snare / snare mainly)

If you do plan on vocals, maybe adhere to the oldschool tradition of a catch phrase inserted every now and then. Other than that *thumbs up*.

Posted by tehlord on Apr-07-2014 14:22:

Originally posted by Richard Butler
I'm pleased with this WIP so far. Am planning to find and pay a decent vocalist for it.

Any crits welcome.

Great track there with some unusually bright themes for you, but I'm not sold on the bass sound. It sounds like there's some weird filtering on it that doesn't work on my cans.

A singer would really do it justice though. What kind of thing are you looking for?

Originally posted by Trancelover03591
I submitted this to a Vicious Recordings remix competition.

The only thing I used from the original was the vocals. Appreciate any feedback.

Not a bad remix at all.

I think the mix is a little dense around the mid/highs. If I had to guess I'd say it had gone through a MB compressor which has pushed these freq's at the cost of the mid/lows where your bass and drum punch may have been lost a bit.


I haven't really made much music of my own lately, although I did start this little ambient/filmy thing yesterday which I think I'll persevere with.

Posted by SystematicX1 on Apr-07-2014 15:17:

Originally posted by tehlord

I haven't really made much music of my own lately, although I did start this little ambient/filmy thing yesterday which I think I'll persevere with.

For sure captured the atmosphere vibe on that one...vocal shots seem right on cue. Loved that oboe (was/is that an oboe?)as it brought a nice touch in the higher frequency change up.

Throwing this up for ridicule. This track has almost been the death of me but I refused to accept defeat. Still have some tightening up on the composition to do (vocals and timing always give me the hardest time).
I am also curious about the bass arrangement...not quite sure about it. At any is a test wip remix for Tritonal's Colors.

Posted by Richard Butler on Apr-07-2014 16:21:

Originally posted by tehlord

Spot on for atmospheric film scape, reminds me of the epic film The Kingdom Of Heaven (Ridley Scot)

Try playing this vid from about 50 seconds in with the sound down and start your track there


Thanks for the words on mine - singer wise, don't know but it's got to be decent so am willing to pay. But first I want to address the blandness people mention, try to and give the track more variation.

The bass I added subtle pitchy and syncy edits to the sound and wasn't sure if I'd get away with it. I think you may be picking up on this. I will listen with fresh muff

Posted by Richard Butler on Apr-07-2014 16:37:

Originally posted by scorpradio

Throwing this up for ridicule. This track has almost been the death of me but I refused to accept defeat. Still have some tightening up on the composition to do (vocals and timing always give me the hardest time).
I am also curious about the bass arrangement...not quite sure about it. At any is a test wip remix for Tritonal's Colors.

Firstly there's a lot to like here so well done.
In terms of constructive crits I noticed the following;

+ At about .45 I would vary the drums or add a layer there for a while.

+ 1.15 - the white noise sweep is a bit unoriginal

+ The synths just after this might want to be a bit louder for impact

+ 1.40 - that snare roll - do something to make it a bit more original and ear catching

+ Bass - it's good but not quite tight enough with a few notes sounding out of time - I've done this sort of thing and know how hard it is. Set aside an hour just to focus on that alone and you might find you pin it.
I wonder if some of the bass notes / phrases could do with being another sound?

Sounds good enough to finish tho bro.

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